Whether you're a first time college level student, a student who has completed your first college level course work or a seasoned student with leadership experience, L.E.A.D.S. has something for you. Our unique three-tiered leadership program is designed to instill leadership qualities into those students who have a desire to lead.

Those entering the CCP as first time college-level freshmen have an opportunity to join Emerging Leaders. The Emerging Leaders program uses the Social Change Model as a guide to developing students. The Social Change Model is an approach to leadership development focused on the process of enacting social change from multiple perspectives. Select here to find out more about Emerging Leaders.

For those students who have at least 15 credit hours and a GPA of 2.7 or better we offer the Student Leadership Challenge. The Student Leadership Challege follows the programs designed by Kouzes and Posner (2007). The book is separated into eight chapters and over eight sessions we will discuss each of the chapters. The first chapters will introduce students to the philosophy behind Exemplary Leadership this will be followed by five sessions, which specifically discuss the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Select here to find out more about the Student Leadership Challenge.

The third tier of leadership is our Leaders in Service. This program focuses on service as being to pinnacle of true leadership. Students who have competed the Student Leadership Challenge and who have maintained a minium GPA of 2.7 will be invited to become apart of the program. Leaders in Service will identify various opportunities for service, serve as mentors to Emerging Leaders and work to design an alternative spring break experience. Select here to find out more about Leaders in Service.

Winnet Student Life Center - 1700 Spring Garden Street - Philadelphia - PA - 19130 - 215.751.8164

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