

To address reading skill development in Philadelphia elementary school students, support current school district's initiatives, and increase student success through community partnerships and collaboration.

Program Objectives

The objectives of the Adopt-A-School Program are:

To provide tutorial support to one hundred children primarily in the third grade year and to other selected elementary age children;

To improve the skills of those third grade students and other elementary students who receive at least one hundred hours of reading tutoring; and

To provide fifty Community College of Philadelphia students with opportunities for work experience, community service, job skills development, and self-sufficiency while they are enrolled in school.


Minimum of a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and at least 15 credit hours complete;

Currently enrolled students (and remain enrolled throughout service as a tutor); and

Possess either knowledge, skill, or a high level of interest in working with elementary school-aged children.


Applications are evaluated on the following criteria:

1) Academic Requirements;

2) Personal Statement (including availability);

3) Letter of Interest;

4) Verification of Pennsylvania Criminal Background Check and Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance

Application Period

Applications will be accepted through October 30 for the Fall Semester and through February 15 of the Spring Semester.

This position will require a student who is dependable and committed to the College's literacy initiatives and to tutoring elementary age children in particular. The student must be capable of working independently and creatively with children. The position requires 2-10 hours per week of service, dependent upon the student's schedule and availability. The student will report directly to the classroom teacher and the responsible representative in the Office of Student Life.


Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

Attend tutor orientation and scheduled training sessions each semester;

Plan tutoring session(s) with the assistance of the classroom teacher;

Read with/to one-four children each session;

Encourage imaginative thought and creative language when reading with the children;

Sign in and out of the school and maintain a weekly tutor log; and

Be on time for all sessions/appointments and act professional at all times.

If you are interested in being a part of the Adopt-A-School program, please complete the necessary paperwork listed on the right side of the screen.

Winnet Student Life Center - 1700 Spring Garden Street - Philadelphia - PA - 19130 - 215.751.8164

This site is maintained solely by the Student Life Center (Division of Academic and Student Success) at the Community College of Philadelphia.

Opinions expressed on this page shall not be attributed to the Community College of Philadelphia.