SGA Call for Candidates

The purpose of our Student Government Association is to serve the student body of Community College of Philadelphia.

Why run for a Student Government Association Office?

To serve the student body of the College

To make a change

To work toward a better future

To make a difference

To lead

Elected officers receive the following in compensation:
  • President - Stipend in the amount of $2000.00 each semester (pre-tax
  • 1st Vice President - Stipend in the amount of $1500.00 each semester (pre-tax)
  • 2nd Vice President - Stipend in the amount of $1500.00 each semester (pre-tax)

Complete the application on the right if you'd like to run for one of these office

Winnet Student Life Center - 1700 Spring Garden Street - Philadelphia - PA - 19130 - 215.751.8164

This site is maintained solely by the Student Life Center (Division of Student Affairs) at the Community College of Philadelphia.

Opinions expressed on this page shall not be attributed to the Community College of Philadelphia.