Rapid Retraining for Today’s New Jobs
Three high-growth, high-demand industries have been identified as TAACCCT priorities:
Advanced Manufacturing
Healthcare Information Technology
Energy Distribution, Production and Conservation

Most JobTrakPA career training can qualify workers to fill jobs in a few weeks to a few months
and many provide industry recognized credentials and certificates.
JobTrakPA courses are tailored to the career-specific skills employers are demanding; the skills that help you perform well on the job. Most courses allow you to earn a credential or certificate. At some colleges, coursework can be “stacked” to build a series of credentials that will increase your job options and earning power. In other cases, colleges may offer an Associates Degree in a field of study that gives you a competitive advantage in the job market.

JobTrakPA recognizes that committing to a retraining program adds pressure to your already stressful life.That’s why our courses are designed to give you the most training in the shortest amount of time. In fact, most training options range from a few weeks to a few months allowing you to get where you want to go…back to work.

Take a look at how quickly you can complete a JobTrakPA program. Keep in mind, times will vary at different colleges, but this guide should help you think about the right training option for you.




Advanced Manufacturing

NIMS certified Computer Numeric Control(CNC) Operator

10 weeks

Certified Production Technician

10 weeks

Production Maintenance Technician

10 weeks

Mechatronics Technician/Advanced Manufacturing Integrated Systems Technology I, II

20 – 30 weeks

Energy Production, Distribution and Conservation


3 weeks

Natural Gas Technology

15-30 weeks

Geothermal Installers

3 weeks

Solar PV Installers

6 weeks

Building Analysts

3 weeks

Health Information Technology/Electronic Medical Records Technology

Medical Records and Billing

12 to 14 weeks certificate; Associates Degree options

Medical Records Clerk

Healthcare Information Technology Specialist

This program is funded in part/in whole by the U.S. Department of Labor - Employment and Training Administration
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