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Community College of Philadelphia


Charge to Standard 14 Committee


Essential to a quality institution is the clear delineation of expectations for student learning. The College mission promises students a foundation for employment, transfer and life-long learning. It further promises to prepare students to be informed and concerned citizens. In addition to fulfilling the College mission, accountability to transfer institutions, expectations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and requirements of outside accrediting agencies dictates careful attention to assessment of student learning outcomes.

Expectations for student learning should be congruent at various levels (course, program, institution) and consistent with the institution's mission. With the recognition that courses are delivered by a variety of methods and at locations well beyond the College's Main Campus, assessment of student learning and outcomes should consider expectations regardless of the location or methodology of delivery used.

The assessment of student learning is an essential component of determining educational effectiveness and in turn, institutional effectiveness. Assessment of student learning is therefore of limited value if the results of the assessment are not used as a basis for improvement.

  • Describe the process for defining student learning outcomes. Evaluate how student learning outcomes are defined at the College.
    • Are current course and program development models adequate for delineating expected course and program outcomes?
  • Evaluate the congruence of student learning outcomes at the various levels of the institution.
    • To what degree is there congruence at the course and program levels?
    • To what extent are defined student learning outcomes congruent with the mission and goals of the College?
  • Describe and evaluate current methods or procedures used for collection of student learning outcomes information.
    • Are current practices adequate for assessing course effectiveness?
    • Are current Academic Audit procedures adequate for assessing program effectiveness?
    • Does Institutional Research provide appropriate data for assessing effectiveness of learning outcomes?
  • To what extent is there a system or plan that encourages academic departments and programs to use outcomes assessment to improve courses and programs?
    • How effectively are assessment measures currently in place to guide planning?
    • Describe and evaluate the extent to which the current plan is ongoing rather than episodic.
    • How well are the findings and recommendations in academic audits used to improve courses and programs?