Cindy Ngo

Hi there, my name is Cindy Maria Ngo. I am half Guatemalan and Vietnamese. I was born and raised in Philadelphia and a graduate from Little Flower Catholic High School. This will be my second year attending Community College of Philadelphia and I am pursuing a degree in Communications.

Since both of my parents were immigrants, it gave me the inspiration to really push myself in my studies and to go over and beyond. My parents also taught me about helping and caring for others because of their past. So with the passion for helping and my drive for my education, I did a lot in my high school years. I was on the Service and Leadership team, Community Service Crops, Model UN, president of Asian club and if I wasn’t on the track practicing I was in band practice. All these extra curriculum activities helped me grow as a person and as a student.

With this love and passion of what I was doing in High School, it carried over into my first year of college. While being a full time student, I was the president of Asian American Association, Miss Congeniality, received the Rising Star Award and was involved in other activities. This year I joined the Student Programming Board, President and officers of different clubs and Student Government Association as your Recording Secretary and am excited to do whatever I could for the student body of CCP.




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