Jenavia Weaver

Coordinator-Student Leadership & Involvement

The Student Leadership and Involvement Center is the hub for student leadership development, civic engagement and student clubs. As the Coordinator of Student Life - Student Leadership & Involvement, being responsible for the day to day supervision of it's staff, student workers and activities generated by our student leaders is a pure joy! I'm energized by witnessing a seedling of an idea become a mighty game changing event/program/policy...and most often - a person everyday!

I would love to assist you if you are interested in:

1) Leadership Development:

2) Volunteering or getting paid (Work-study) to participate in the Adopt-a-School Program.

3) Participating in the Student Ambassador Program, the Student Government Association or if you receive a letter from our Rho Upsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Society.

4) Starting a club or reactivate an existing club, again, stop by the Student Leadership and Involvement Center, Winnet Building, S1-12.

Embracing leadership is when someone is able to articulate a collective vision that empowers others to fulfill their goals with passion! This type of leadership results in clear goals with outcomes that can be measured. You may ask, " Why should we measure goals?". Well, who likes to waste time? Measuring helps you see if you are effectively doing what you said you would do and if it works!

The staff in the Student Leadership and Involvement Center believe in you. Collectively, we work very hard to help you recognize and utilize your natural leadership talents and gifts. We hope to see you soon!




Favorite Quote:

Be responsible for the energy you bring into a space. - Oprah

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. -Max Depree




Organizational Leadership, M.A. Eastern University

Applied Social Science - Business, B.S. Binghamton University