Standard for Accreditation


Community College of Philadelphia is an open-admission, associate degree-granting institution which provides access to higher education for all who may benefit.  Its programs of study in the liberal arts and sciences, career technologies and basic academic skills provide a coherent foundation for college transfer, employment and life-long learning.  The College serves Philadelphia by preparing its students to be informed and concerned citizens, active participants in the cultural life of the city, and enabled to meet the changing needs of business, industry and the professions.  To help address broad, economic cultural and political concerns in the city and beyond, the College draws together students from a wide range of ages and backgrounds, and seeks to provide the programs and support they need to achieve their goals.

Community College of Philadelphia seeks to create a caring environment which is intellectually and culturally dynamic and encourages all students to achieve:

·        greater insight into their strengths, needs, aspirations, and greater appreciation of their own cultural background and experience;

·        increased awareness and appreciation of a diverse world where all are interdependent;

·        heightened curiosity and active interest in intellectual questions and social issues;

·        improved ability to pursue paths of inquiry, to interpret and evaluate what is discovered and to express reactions effectively;

·        self-fulfillment based on service to others, preparation for future work and study, and enjoyment of present challenges and accomplishments.


An institution’s mission constitutes its statement of purpose within the context of higher education and should clearly specify what the institution intends to accomplish.  The goals and objectives of an institution set forth how that mission will be fulfilled.  An effective mission results from full participation of the college community, is widely communicated, informs the development of goals and objectives, and shapes programs and practices. 

 The College’s current Mission Statement clearly sets forth its purpose, defines its unique role in the community, and its impact is seen throughout the institution’s activities.  As part of the last Self Study, the College analyzed and revised its Mission Statement in a process which included input from a broad representation of all segments of the College community.  The Community College Goals Inventory was part of the Mission review process.  A description of the survey and responses appear in IR Report #68 .  This detailed review resulted in changes in language intended to give the Mission Statement more clarity while retaining the “essential spirit and balance of the original”. The revised Mission Statement was approved by the Board of Trustees in Fall 1993.

During Fall 2002 Professional Development Week, in preparation for the current Self Study, the College community again revisited its Mission.  In facilitated roundtable discussions and focus groups, the College examined whether the Mission Statement should be revised, and if so, in what ways.  This review reaffirmed that, overall, the Mission Statement is embraced by the College community as appropriately reflecting the institution’s unique position in higher education in the Philadelphia area. 

Since the 1993 Self Study, the College has also revisited its planning processes.  The Strategic Planning process that resulted in the 2000-2004 Strategic Plan evolved from an institutional agenda to a more formal and streamlined planning process.  The main elements of strategic planning have remained the same:

·        the Mission Statement serves as the beginning point of planning and is discussed and interpreted with current issues in mind;

·        an Environmental Scan of external factors likely to impact the College over the next several years and an Internal Scan of institutional strengths and weaknesses help identify areas needing attention; and

·        the process is informed by the President’s Vision Statement, which focuses the plan on a limited number of areas to receive special attention over a three to five year period.


The charge to the Committee studying Mission, Goals and Objectives focused on examining the College Mission Statement and its relationship to planning at the College.  The Strategic Plan, the fundamental planning document at the College which informs other planning initiatives, was analyzed to determine how it reflects the College’s Mission and goals, focuses on student learning and institutional improvement, and is flexible in responding to change. 

Information used in this analysis of the College’s Mission, Goals and Objectives was derived from numerous interviews with individuals representing the breadth of the institution, survey results, discussions with focus groups representing various constituencies, published College research reports and a review of considerable documentation including the Strategic Plan, the Clarus Report (a consultant’s report on marketing), the College Report Card and several Institutional Research Reports.  Goals and Objectives as expressed in the Strategic Plan were evaluated for flexibility and to determine whether they are sufficiently focused on student learning.


The College’s Mission Statement carves out a unique identity for the College as a provider of transfer, career, and life-long learning opportunities for the residents of Philadelphia.  It delineates the scope of the institution, expresses its values and informs decision-making by staff.  Among the qualities in the Mission Statement that set the College apart are commitments to:

·        open admissions;

·        service to students from diverse backgrounds;

·        preparation for participation in civic and cultural life;

·        meeting the changing economic needs of the city;

·        overall development of students, including development of broad social awareness; and

·        dynamic, caring environment.

The Mission Statement clearly defines the College as an urban institution, its relationship to the city and wider community, and its open admission policy.  It is not a generic college mission statement.  Aspects of this strong institutional fit include the observations that:

·        the majority of the College’s graduates remain in the Philadelphia area.  Seventy-six percent (76%) of recent CCP graduates were working in the city and 93% were working in the Philadelphia region. (See 2002 Graduate Survey Responses).  The Mission Statement specifically addresses preparation for life and work in the city;

·        the Mission Statement expresses the goal of increasing awareness of a diverse world beyond the students’ immediate experience.  Increased perception of global awareness begins in the classroom and is supported through campus activities. A vast majority of students (94%) have indicated in follow-up surveys that they appreciate the diverse nature of the CCP campus.  (See 2002 Graduate Survey Responses); and

·        the Mission Statement expresses the goal of improving critical thinking and communication skills that are necessary for any job or further education.  Course and curriculum construction strive to fulfill this goal and the majority of CCP graduates indicate they have developed these skills through their College studies. (See IR Report #128).

This Mission Statement serves to guide decision-making at the institution.  One example of its use in decision-making is seen in the course and curricula development process.  The changes in curriculum and course development since the last Self Study have been significant and merit close attention in the context of the utilization of the Mission.  The Curriculum Facilitation Team (CFT) is composed of faculty members who act as facilitators for all course and curriculum development and revision, and functions “…to help faculty and administrators of the College develop strong courses and academic programs that are represented in clear, cogent and useful documents.  Members of the CFT assist faculty in designing coherent courses and programs that work to fulfill the Mission of the College…” (CFT Mission Statement).  The course development/revision models that are used in creating written descriptions of new and revised courses require that course developers describe a justification for a course in terms of what it will provide to students.  These models have been successful in encouraging course writers to reflect on the Mission in drafting proposals for new courses or for revision of existing courses.  Every course document also contains an evaluation plan to assess its goals, and thereby evaluate its fulfillment of the Mission.  Thus, the Mission is clearly influential in decision-making in course development and in course evaluation.

Curriculum planning and revision models also require writers to address how a program reflects Mission elements such as developments within the regional job market, how the curriculum prepares students for potential employment, and the transferability of the program. Furthermore, all career programs are evaluated through internal audits which require analysis of the program’s fulfillment of the College Mission.  Many of the career programs, such as Health Career, Nursing and Paralegal Studies Programs, also have external accreditation agencies, which typically require demonstration of the Program’s connection to the Mission.  This external requirement can be useful in providing an additional focus on the Mission with respect to curricular goals and outcomes.

Utilization of the Mission Statement in decision-making is also illustrated by the formulation of the College’s Strategic Plan.  The 2000-2004 Strategic Plan, and its Progress Reports, consist of five strategic principles and activities designed to carry out those goals.  The Strategic Plan was intended to take into consideration current needs, problems, and areas of concern in College operations, as revealed by extensive scanning of the College environment and viewed in the context of the College’s Mission.

            As noted above, the basic planning process at the College has remained consistent and begins with a consideration of the Mission.  As is described in the section on Standard 7 in this Self Study, the general principles in the current Strategic Plan were developed at the Presidential level, taking into account several factors, including, of course, the Mission.  The Strategic Principles are five statements of aspirations for the College: to be a key leader in programs that support workforce and economic development; to facilitate a seamless movement from pre-school through university; to address the range of options in program delivery; to provide documented quality, innovation, and effectiveness; and to develop finances to support the other aspirations.  All of these aspirations find support within the College’s Mission Statement.

Principle I of the Strategic Plan relates to workforce and economic development.  Activities in support of this principle include the development of career curricula, non-credit offerings, customized training and completion of the Center for Business and Industry Building.  There is also support for these activities in the College Mission Statement, particularly in the need to meet the “changing economic needs of the city.” 

Strategic Principle II involves relationships with other educational institutions, both those from which the College receives students, and those to which it sends students.  The College has had success in strengthening relationships with universities, particularly in dual admission and articulation agreements.  The relationship with secondary schools has also been strengthened over the last few years and the College has many initiatives with the School District of Philadelphia including a dual enrollment agreement.  The focus of Strategic Principle II is clearly premised on the Mission, particularly its focus on helping students fulfill their educational goals and preparing them for both further education and employment.

Strategic Principle III is focused on change.  This is the part of the Strategic Plan most directly focused on students and learning, including an assessment and re-design of student services, the addition of new courses at Regional Centers, the offering of more distance education courses, and offering study abroad.  Members of the CFT addressed the implementation of Strategic Principle III, reporting that they encourage faculty course developers to think about alternative strategies for course delivery such as modularizing three-credit offerings into three separate one-credit courses.  To date, two leadership courses and a political science course have been modularized.  This Principle and the activities generated from it fulfill the Mission’s aspiration to provide the support needed for students to meet their goals, as well as the College’s commitment to developing flexible goals which will allow it to respond to the demand for new instructional methods.

Strategic Principle IV describes a goal of providing documented success in teaching and the provision of other services at the College.  Objectives in this part of the Strategic Plan include the development of a College-wide assessment model and its implementation through review of the College Mission Statement, the development of Mission Statements in each unit of the College, the establishment of goals consistent with these missions, the establishment of criteria for measuring the accomplishment of goals, the establishment of assessment plans, and the implementation of procedures to link resource allocation with assessment.  Some mission reviews have taken place, particularly in administrative areas.  For example, in Facilities Management outside consultants facilitated a study of lines of authority and communication.  This review produced tangible results.  A comprehensive self study for the area was developed encompassing the creation of mission and goals for every unit in Facilities Management.  This in turn has led to numerous changes including reorganization to promote more effective use of teams, development of a procedural manual, implementation of orientation and training sessions and increased recognition of effective performance.  This Principle strives to expand the utilization of the Mission throughout the College and to urge development of consistent assessment relating ultimately to the evaluation of how the College is fulfilling its Mission.

As indicated above, the current Mission Statement resulted from an extensive process including input from a broad representation of all segments of the College community and was approved by the Board of Trustees in Fall semester 1993.  More recently, the College revisited the Mission Statement during Professional Development Week in August 2002, in facilitated roundtable discussions and focus groups with representatives of all constituencies (Trustees, full-time faculty, adjunct faculty, Department Heads, bargaining unit leaders, advisory committees, senior administration, students, support staff, supervisors) about the appropriateness of the Mission Statement.

            Participants shared a variety of opinions about the Mission Statement, but there was a very broad pattern of approval of the Mission.  The roundtable review also evidenced a clear willingness on the part of staff to participate in Mission review and revealed that participants feel invested in the College’s Mission and its goals.  Suggestions to improve the Mission were relatively minor, and reflect that faculty and staff feel that their work connects to the Mission.  Examples of minor suggestions included a number pertaining to style.  Additionally, some participants said that the Mission Statement seems to be based on a set of values, but the values are not made explicit. 

            Roundtable respondents suggested greater emphasis on some items that are mentioned briefly in the Mission Statement: global education, particularly in the form of international education; giving opportunities to constituencies who do not otherwise have access to higher education; serving diverse populations in the city; and the College’s relationship to the business community, especially the College’s role in providing non-traditional educational experiences for workforce development.  The latter was connected in part to a perceived need for more emphasis on providing training and education in computer technology. 

Surveys of staff conducted for this Self Study echoed the roundtable results and also revealed that a very large majority of staff survey respondents are familiar with the Mission Statement (see IR Report #130B).  Virtually all could identify aspects of their own work which furthered the Mission. Two-thirds of staff respondents said that staff behavior reflected the values in the Mission, and a large majority believed that important recent initiatives such as the completion of the Center for Business and Industry, upgrades in technological infrastructure, the creation of new programs such as Opportunity Now (a program allowing Philadelphia residents who have been laid-off to take up to twelve credits for free at the College), Next Step (a State grant-funded program that provides educational opportunities, job-training and support services to recipients of Temporary Aid for Needy Family clients), dual enrollment programs, and international studies initiatives are reflective of the Mission. 

In summary, the College community is aware of its Mission.  Awareness of the Mission Statement has improved throughout the last ten years as the College has undertaken deliberate and continual efforts to make its Mission known throughout the institution.  On-going activities at the College, such as orientation of new faculty and staff and curricular review and planning all include focus on the Mission.

Awareness of the College Mission Statement has also increased by its inclusion in College documents beyond the catalog, such as employee and student handbooks.  The Mission Statement also appears in the introduction to the Strategic Plan, in other College publications, College websites, and in several public settings on campus.

            The nature of the College’s Mission requires that, to be effective, it be communicated to a variety of external constituents.  It is a challenge to express the College’s broad, complex Mission to the wider community.  This challenge does not represent a flaw in the Mission, but it does mean that each of the goals in the Mission has a somewhat distinct audience.  The College strives to communicate its message to high school students and their parents, adult learners, State and local politicians, transfer institutions, and the business community, as well as the general public.  With respect to many of these constituents, the College does an excellent job, at least in part, of communicating its Mission.  For example, the Office of Admissions staff note that high school teachers, counselors and students in the School District of Philadelphia are aware of the College's Mission, particularly in terms of the College’s affordability and accessibility.   High school students and faculty know that the College has open admissions, which makes them think of the College as a place where all students, regardless of their level of academic preparation, can attend.  They also know that tuition is affordable even for people with few financial resources.  Adult students, in particular, respond to academic and financial access as something positive.

The Counseling Department Transfer Specialist, who is a member of the College’s Transfer Team (a group of administrators and faculty who meet on a regular basis to discuss issues related to articulation and transfer), reports that transfer institutions have a generally positive view of the College and its Mission and want the College’s students to attend their schools.  This favorable view has facilitated a significant increase in the number of dual admissions programs and articulation agreements in recent years.  There are currently six dual admissions programs in place, with growing numbers of students enrolled.  Many curricula, such as Liberal Arts, Communication Arts, Education and Engineering were developed in consultation with baccalaureate institutions and are accepted in full for transfer credit at numerous area colleges and universities. During the 2002-2003 academic year, there were 91 articulation agreements in place (see IR Report #136).

Politicians also have a generally favorable impression of the College at least with respect to its Mission to provide career training.  Efforts to help make important political leaders fully aware of the College's Mission are part of the College's overall political approach, which includes coalition building with other colleges, and has resulted in increased funding from the City of Philadelphia during an especially challenging economic time.  The College is also an active participant in the State Commission for Community Colleges, participates in an annual Higher Education Lobbying Day in Harrisburg, and is a member of a Collegiate Consortium with Drexel University and the community colleges of Camden (NJ), Montgomery, Bucks, and Delaware Counties, which share joint programs, seek contracts and lobby together on higher education issues.  The College’s recent efforts in this regard ameliorated a drastic budget cut proposed by the State legislature.

Business and community leaders who are active on the College’s advisory committees (all career programs are to have active advisory committees) are aware of the College’s role as an academic institution.  A number of prominent business organizations such as SEPTA (Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority), Philadelphia Gas Works, and the General Builders and Contractors’ Association have emphasized they look to the College to provide an education that includes critical thinking and literacy skills in addition to vocational training.


The investment by the College community in the Mission as evidenced by the majority of staff members who are aware of the Mission and who took the time to provide in-depth responses to the Self Study surveys can and should be utilized for the betterment of the College.  Surveys and roundtable review indicated both an overwhelming endorsement of the Mission’s overall intent and a willingness on the part of faculty and staff to participate in Mission review.  This participation is valuable and will likely serve to reaffirm the Mission for the College community and underscore for the members of the College staff their roles in furtherance of the Mission.

            While the Mission also informs the planning process, discussions about the role of the Mission Statement with focus groups representing academic Department Heads and Curriculum Coordinators suggested that in decision-making at the departmental level, the Mission Statement, at times, may be used to justify programs after the fact, rather than to guide planning in a focused way.  The College would benefit from a community-wide discussion to define and determine the best ways to carry out the economic development aspect of the Mission.

            The College’s efforts to communicate its Mission, while overwhelmingly successful with respect to faculty and staff, are not wholly successful with outside constituencies.  At times, those constituents understand only part of the Mission.  For example, although politicians and business persons are aware of the College and its Mission, that awareness is frequently incomplete.  Their awareness of the College’s accessibility often equates with perceived lack of quality. 

            On the other hand, business leaders with less direct contact with the College have sometimes expressed the impression that the College is a vocational school.  Some employers who have contracted for employee training with the College's Division of Business and Technology and were interviewed as part of this study were not aware of the presence of transfer and academic programs in the College's Mission.

Taken as a whole, the Strategic Plan, the fundamental planning document embodying the College’s goals and objectives, clearly reflects the values contained in the Mission Statement.  The Mission encompasses a tremendously broad array of activities which when utilized in the formation of a major planning document such as the Strategic Plan results in lack of clarity regarding the priority of planned activities.

            Strategic Principle I, for example, relates to support of workforce and economic development.  These goals are clearly stated within the Mission.  At the same time there remains an unresolved question about how the College sees itself in regard to this part of the Mission and the role of this activity in relationship to other aspects of the Mission.

Strategic Principle III, with its focus on the College’s students and on student learning outcomes, is the Principle most clearly premised in the College’s Mission and its focus on students.  Concerns resulting from review of this Principle do not relate to its connection to the Mission but to its potential difficulty in implementation, a topic whose thorough consideration is discussed in greater depth in the section on Standard 2, Planning, Resource Allocation and Institutional Renewal.  It should be noted, however, that this issue is also indicative of a lack of prioritization of the values expressed in the Mission.  In other words, the determination and articulation of clear priorities for activities encompassed by the Mission would guide the steps needed to more fully implement Strategic Principle III.  The activities undertaken in fulfillment of the Principle were also reviewed to determine how well the actualization of the Strategic Principle III reflects the Mission.  This analysis was considered necessary to the evaluation of the meaning of the Mission in the everyday life of the College.  It was concluded that although the activities in this part of the Strategic Plan seem focused on worthwhile identified needs premised squarely in the College Mission, at times they deviate from that goal, and as a result, do not always have student learning as their main focus.  Thus while the concepts embedded in Strategic Principle III find clear roots within the College’s Mission, it is important that the activities undertaken in fulfillment of this Principle be closely reviewed to ensure that they continue to spring from aspirations articulated in the Mission.

Similarly with respect to Strategic Principle IV, which calls for a reconceptulization of the system for setting and achieving institutional goals, basing its goal-setting and resource allocation on a system of objective measurements, which in turn are based on a system of commonly articulated values, there is an evident disconnect between the goals articulated and the fulfillment of those goals.  Accordingly, while the goals of this Principle fit with the College’s Mission, its actualization has not.  The fulfillment of this Principle would go a long way toward defining institutional priorities emanating from the Mission and make those priorities and the Mission itself more visible in the everyday work of faculty and staff.   Furthermore, such an endeavor to be successful requires broad, College-wide development of area mission statements, goals and objectives, which has not been the case.  Various constituents would need to be aware of the objectives in this Principle and their implications.  Resources must be made available to provide expertise in designing and implementing evaluation and collecting and analyzing data.

Overall, the Strategic Plan would have been more focused on student learning if more of its goals were linked to the results of the Internal Scan, which was focused on unmet needs and institutional priorities.  In the area of educational issues for example, some of the concerns identified in the Internal Scan include a more proactive approach to encourage student use of appropriate support services that would promote the achievement of their educational goals; a lack of persistence and academic success among remedial students (see IR Reports #84, 93, 95, 98, 103, and 120); less academic success among minority students than among white students (see Institutional Effectiveness-What Do We Know?); and more informal spaces for students to use between classes.  These observations are also confirmed by information gathered in focus groups.  Academic Department Heads, for example, are concerned about issues identified in the Internal Scan, particularly those that are not fully addressed in the Strategic Plan such as lack of student persistence.

On the other hand, the Scan identified areas in which the College was succeeding and these areas should also serve to inform priorities in planning to ensure continued success in fulfilling the aspects of the Mission encompassed by these areas.  The areas identified as positive include an assessment of experiences both by current students and graduates (see IR Reports #128 and 130A and Graduate Survey Results); good career and transfer outcomes among graduates (see  IR Reports #130 through 135); and good quality of offerings, including new courses and links between developmental and credit courses.

Given that open access is a key component of the Mission, the needs of unsuccessful students should be a priority in College planning.  This is one of the ways in which the Strategic Plan has weaknesses in terms of the Mission, particularly the access aspect of the Mission, and in terms of focusing on institutional improvement.  For example, the Internal Scan noted that retention and persistence in college-level as well as in developmental courses was in general less than satisfactory.  Approximately two-thirds of recent student cohorts who started in the College Achievement Partnership (CAP) A-Level were not retained long enough to begin college level work.  (The College Achievement Partnership is an extensive combination of courses and support services for students who need to strengthen their skills in English and Mathematics. CAP A-Level students are those whose placement test scores placed them at the lowest remedial level).  (See IR Report #120). Few of the activities in the Strategic Plan reflect the need to address these concerns.

The Strategic Plan also calls for faculty development initiatives and increased availability of courses in various locations, time-slots, and modes of delivery.  But these initiatives do not focus on the larger problem of lack of student persistence.  The Internal Scan noted that student success increases with clearly defined student goals and that a more proactive approach to encourage student use of appropriate support services would promote the achievement of their educational goals.  Planning should focus institutional efforts towards working with students who need help clarifying and reaching goals. 

This last point requires further exploration by the College community at large from the point of view of the Mission Statement; the College has not yet arrived at a consensus about the meaning of “those who may benefit,” and in its planning, has not focused attention on those students who are less prepared or less goal-focused.   


·        Engage in a rigorous, well-publicized College-wide Mission review every ten years to assess the impact and currency of the Mission Statement.  This should be done well in advance of each ten-year accreditation Self Study so that ideas about the basic direction of the College can be developed before they are assessed.   The 1993 Mission review might serve as a model.

·        Develop a Goals Statement and/or a Values Statement to complement the Mission Statement which will help the College community articulate the priorities of those values expressed in the Mission and assist in decision-making at all levels.

·        Develop a plan to continue to improve communication of the College Mission to outside constituencies.

·        Include a set of institutional priorities in the next Strategic Plan which flow logically from needs identified in internal and external studies of the College’s strengths and weaknesses.  An explicit method for determining major goals should be developed, based on criteria such as whether there is a link to the College Mission, whether there is institutional support for pursuing a goal, and whether there is financial support available to meet the goals.

·        Engage in further discussion to define “those who may benefit” from the College’s offerings, and clearly define the nature of activities which would increase the success of students who are less prepared to succeed.

·        Determine through both internal and external discussion, what activities constitute enabling students “to meet the changing needs of business, industry and the professions” to determine the appropriate balance between training and education at the College.

Resource LIST

A.                  Institutional Research Reports Related to Standard 1:


·                     IR Report #68The Community College Goals Inventory – A Summary of Responses  (8/92)

·                     IR Report #84 - The ACT NOW Program - A Description and Evaluation (6/95)

·                     IR Report #93Beating the Odds:  Reasons for At-Risk Student Success at Community College of Philadelphia (9/97)

·                     IR Report #95 – An Evaluation of the Achievement of the Developmental Education Mission (11/97)

·                     IR Report #98 – An Evaluation of the Achievement of the Developmental Education Mission – An Update (1/98)

·                     IR Report #103 – Developmental Education Outcomes – Three Years After the Developmental Education Task Force Report (4/99)

·                     IR Report #116 – Student Preferences for Alternative Course Delivery Options (11/00)

·                     IR Report #120 – Student Attrition at CCP – When Students Leave, Why They Leave, and Their Academic Success at Departure (6/01)

·                     IR Report #125 – Institutional Effectiveness 2001 – A College Report Card (3/02)

·                     IR Report #128 - The Progress of 2001 Graduates of Community College of Philadelphia in Development of General Education Skills and Affective Attributes (12/02)

·                     IR Report #129 -Institutional Effectiveness 2002 - A College Report Card (1/03)

·                     IR Report #130A - Responses to Middle States Self Study Current Student Questionnaire (4/03)

·                     IR Report #130B - Responses to Middle States Self Study Faculty/Staff Questionnaire (4/03)

·                     IR Report #130D - Responses to Middle States Self Study Current Student Questionnaire Community College of Philadelphia Full-time and Part-time Students (5/03)

·                     IR Report #130E - Responses to Middle States Self Study Current Student Questionnaire Community College of Philadelphia Day and Evening/Weekend Students (5/03)

·                     IR Report #130F - Responses to Middle States Self Study Current Student Questionnaire Community College of Philadelphia Main Campus and Regional Center Students (5/03)

·                     IR Report #130G - Responses to Middle States Self Study Current Student Questionnaire Community College of Philadelphia Freshmen and Sophomore Students (5/03)

·                     IR Report #131 - Demographic and Socio - Economic Profiles of Philadelphia ZIP Code Neighborhoods Based on 1990 and 2000 Census Data (9/03)

·                     IR Report #132 - Transfer Outcomes of Graduates in 2002 (10/03)

·                     IR Report #133 - Career Outcomes for 2002 Career Program Graduates (10/03)

·                     IR Report #134 - Transfer Outcomes of 2002 Graduate and Non-Graduate Former Students (12/03)

·                     IR Report #135 - Career Outcomes of 2002 Graduate and Non-Graduate Former Students (12/03)

·                     IR Report #136 – Institutional Effectiveness 2002 - A College Report Card (1/04)


B.                   Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Community College of Philadelphia, 1993 Institutional Self Study (10/93)


C.                   Office of the Vice President for Planning and Finance, 2000-2004 Strategic Plan (as of October 2002) and Strategic Plan Progress Report (1/03)


D.                  Office of Institutional Research, Graduate Surveys (1999-2001), Institutional Effectiveness-What Do We Know? (8/03), 2000 Internal Scan (3/00) and 2000 Environmental Scan (3/00)


E.                   Office of Communications, Clarus Report (2/01)


F.                   Office of Curriculum Development, Curriculum Facilitation Team – Mission Statement (12/16/02)


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