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Fall 2024 Final Exam Schedule

Monday , Dec 09, 2024 - Saturday , Dec 14, 2024

As of Dec 03, 2024 03:12pm
CourseCampusCRNTitleExam Date/TimeLocationInstructor
ACCT& 101& 002 Main40039 Financial AccountingMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN B2-09 Jahanian, S
ACCT& 101& 001 Main40018 Financial AccountingTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-09 Johnson, J
ACCT& 101& 003 Main44432 Financial AccountingTue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN B2-09 Johnson, J
ACCT& 101& 100 Northeast45825 Financial AccountingMon 12/09 530-730PM NERC 305 Rudoff, M
ACCT& 102& 003 Main40065 Managerial AccountingThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-09 Gupta, V
ACCT& 102& 001 Main45827 Managerial AccountingWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-09 Rudoff, M
ACCT& 102& 100 Northeast46059 Managerial AccountingTue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 302 Farhat, M
ACCT& 111& 950 Main45028 Business AccountingThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN BR-73 Gupta, V
ADC& 101& 001 Main41334 Intro to Design and ConstrThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W2-02 Grosbard, M
ADC& 101& 950 Main45961 Intro to Design and ConstrWed 12/11 300-500PM WEST W2-02 Grosbard, M
ADC& 101& 003 Main42167 Intro to Design and ConstrFri 12/13 900-1100AM WEST W2-02 Vazquez, A
ADC& 103& 003 Main44254 CAD BasicsWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W2-02 Anderson, K
ADC& 103& 001 Main41340 CAD BasicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W2-02 Grosbard, M
ADC& 103& 002 Main41342 CAD BasicsMon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W2-03 Rodriguez, C
ADC& 109& 002 Main41390 Design Studio IWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W2-04 Abumounshar, E
ADC& 109& 001 Main44260 Design Studio IWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W2-04 Bertram, D
ADC& 112& 950 Main45327 Constr Mats & Dets PropertiesMon 12/09 300-500PM WEST W2-02 Behrens, P
ADC& 123& 950 Main43649 Construction Reading & SpecsTue 12/10 530-730PM MINT M2-25 Bertram, D
ADC& 159& 001 Main44459 Design Studio IITue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W2-04 Vazquez, A
ADC& 160& 001 Main41392 Presentation TechniquesThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W2-03 Vazquez, A
ADC& 176& 002 Main43204 Phila History Arch & PlanTue 12/10 300-500PM WEST W2-02 Grosbard, M
ADC& 209& 001 Main41338 Design Studio IIIWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W2-03 Bertram, D
ADC& 221& 950 Main41337 History of Arch and Int IWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W2-02 Grosbard, M
ADC& 226& 950 Main45422 Intro to Building StructuresWed 12/11 530-730PM MINT M2-25 Miller, C
ADC& 236& 950 Main45423 Construction Cost EstimatingWed 12/11 800-1000PM MINT M2-25 Miller, C
ADC& 253& 950 Main41343 Environmental Systems IMon 12/09 530-730PM MINT M2-25 Abumounshar, E
ADC& 259& 001 Main45328 Design Studio IVMon 12/09 300-500PM WEST W2-03 Masters, E
ADC& 260& 001 Main45980 Adv Presentation TechniquesMon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W2-02 Stern, M
ADC& 283& 001 Main45981 Spec. Topics Architectural VisThu 12/12 530-730PM WEST W2-03 Abumounshar, E
AET& 101& 002 Main44191 Introduction to RoboticsWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W4-37 Carryon, G
AH& 101& 004 Main44649 Intro Health Care ProfessionsThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W3-05 Carr, L
AH& 101& 003 Main42170 Intro Health Care ProfessionsThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W3-03 Davidson, L
AH& 101& 002 Main42173 Intro Health Care ProfessionsThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W4-02 Kels, T
AH& 101& 951 Main46062 Intro Health Care ProfessionsThu 12/12 300-500PM WEST W2-32 Kels, T
AH& 101& 005 Main43385 Intro Health Care ProfessionsMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-67 Kis Duryea, A
AH& 101& 006 Main42171 Intro Health Care ProfessionsWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W2-32 Schaffer, P
AH& 101& 102 Northeast46118 Intro Health Care ProfessionsMon 12/09 1200-200PM NERC 302 Graham, G
AH& 101& 100 Northeast43510 Intro Health Care ProfessionsWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 244 Jaworski, O
AH& 103& 950 Northeast41839 Medical TerminologyWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 204 Jaworski, O
AH& 115& 101 Northeast42968 Exam Room Procedures IIThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 302 Grobelny, D
AH& 116& 951 Main41562 Therapeutic CommunicationTue 12/10 300-500PM WEST W2-30 Carr, L
AH& 116& 950 Northeast41907 Therapeutic CommunicationTue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 204 Cummings, M
AH& 204& 001 Main43694 Medical Law and EthicsTue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W2-18 Dattilo, M
ANTH& 112& 006 Main41985 Cultural AnthropologyTue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W2-42 Walling, S
ANTH& 112& 002 Main43293 Cultural AnthropologyWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W2-42 Walling, S
ANTH& 112& 001 Main45371 Cultural AnthropologyThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W2-42 Walling, S
ARAB& 101& 001 Main45672 Elementary ArabicTue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W4-51 Sayed, K
ART& 101& 002 Main44797 Visual CommunicationThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M2-32C Haavik-MacKinnon, A
ART& 103& 013 Main44347 Hist of Art Ancient to RenaissWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M2-32C Patterson, L
ART& 103& 003 Main44349 Hist of Art Ancient to RenaissTue 12/10 900-1100AM MINT M2-32C Seymour, B
ART& 104& 003 Main44350 Hist of Art: Renaiss to ModernMon 12/09 1200-200PM MINT M2-32C Patterson, L
ART& 104& 002 Main45069 Hist of Art: Renaiss to ModernTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M2-32C Seymour, B
ART& 290& 002 Main42898 Portfolio PreparationWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M2-20 Higgins, R
ART& 290& 001 Main40082 Portfolio PreparationWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M2-23 Sauer, S
ASL& 101& 001 Main44139 Amer Sign Lang IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-45 Morrison, B
ASL& 101& 002 Main45898 Amer Sign Lang IMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-46 Sides, C
ASL& 102& 001 Main45899 Amer Sign Lang IIWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-45 Carroll, J
ASL& 201& 001 Main45396 Intermediate ASL ITue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-45 Carroll, J
ASL& 231& 001 Main41892 Advanced ASL 1Mon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-45 Carroll, J
AT& 111& 100 West Phila45911 Auto Suspen & SteerTue 12/10 1200-200PM CATC 142 Williams, J
AT& 150& 100 West Phila43958 Automotive Braking SystemsTue 12/10 900-1100AM CATC 142 Riley, D
AT& 250& 100 West Phila44050 Adv Braking Systems & ControlsFri 12/13 900-1100AM CATC 142 Saxton, R
AT& 261& 100 West Phila44052 Engine Performance & DiagnosisTue 12/10 1200-200PM CATC 257 Saxton, R
BHHS& 101& 001 Main41469 Intro to Beh Hlth & Human ServMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-46 Barber, L
BHHS& 101& 002 Main41470 Intro to Beh Hlth & Human ServTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-73 Hickman-Allen, T
BHHS& 102& 001 Main44779 Social DeterminantsWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W2-43 Scoles, P
BHHS& 103& 001 Main44729 Hum Dev & Beh in SocThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W4-02 Coppa, C
BHHS& 191& 950 Main45108 Intro to TraumaThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W4-12 DiRosa, F
BHHS& 299& 001 Main45901 Field Exp in BHHSWed 12/11 530-730PM WEST W1-25 Arnold, K
BIOL& 100& 950 Main44112 Introduction to Life SciencesThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B1-08 Tront, J
BIOL& 106& 001 Main45250 General Biology IMon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W3-37 Copes, L
BIOL& 106& 002 Main40724 General Biology IMon 12/09 1200-200PM WEST W3-03 Gremling, E
BIOL& 106& 954 Main40764 General Biology IWed 12/11 300-500PM WEST W2-30 Herbstritt, R
BIOL& 106& 950 Main40704 General Biology IThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W3-03 Janich, D
BIOL& 106& 953 Main40752 General Biology ITue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W2-30 Janich, D
BIOL& 106& 017 Main41379 General Biology IMon 12/09 1200-200PM WEST W3-02 Magbity, S
BIOL& 106& 955 Main40805 General Biology IMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C2-14 Muhammad, W
BIOL& 106& 003 Main41442 General Biology ITue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W2-30 Muhammad, W
BIOL& 106& 952 Main40737 General Biology IThu 12/12 530-730PM WEST W2-30 Nagelberg, D
BIOL& 106& 015 Main40819 General Biology IThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W4-03 Nagelberg, D
BIOL& 106& 951 Main42921 General Biology ITue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W2-32 Owaisat, S
BIOL& 106& 956 Main40807 General Biology IThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W3-37 Patel, B
BIOL& 106& 958 Main40732 General Biology IFri 12/13 1200-200PM WEST W2-30 Salerno, D
BIOL& 106& 020 Main40810 General Biology IWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B2-23 Salerno, D
BIOL& 106& 960 Northeast40693 General Biology IThu 12/12 530-730PM NERC 205 Herbstritt, R
BIOL& 106& 112 Northeast40847 General Biology ITue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 225 Marinucci, T
BIOL& 106& 961 Northeast40853 General Biology ITue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 225 Marinucci, T
BIOL& 106& 109 Northeast41110 General Biology IFri 12/13 1200-200PM NERC 205 Owaisat, S
BIOL& 108& 951 Main44793 Essentials Hum Anat and PhysThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W2-30 Hensley, K
BIOL& 108& 950 Northeast41995 Essentials Hum Anat and PhysTue 12/10 300-500PM NERC 205 Perry, C
BIOL& 109& 023 Main42294 Anat & Phys ISat 12/14 1000-1200PM WEST W3-03 Bereza, B
BIOL& 109& 953 Main40891 Anat & Phys IMon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W4-12 Bogush, M
BIOL& 109& 001 Main45251 Anat & Phys ITue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W3-37 Bogush, M
BIOL& 109& 973 Main46178 Anat & Phys IThu 12/12 800-1000PM WEST W3-02 Carnemolla, R
BIOL& 109& 965 Main42922 Anat & Phys IThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W4-01 Chu, R
BIOL& 109& 963 Main40886 Anat & Phys ITue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W2-30 Danso, C
BIOL& 109& 961 Main40953 Anat & Phys IWed 12/11 800-1000PM WEST W2-30 Danso, C
BIOL& 109& 005 Main40982 Anat & Phys IWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W2-42 Hensley, K
BIOL& 109& 954 Main40897 Anat & Phys IThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W2-32 Magbity, S
BIOL& 109& 957 Main40925 Anat & Phys IFri 12/13 1200-200PM WEST W3-02 Magbity, S
BIOL& 109& 952 Main41947 Anat & Phys IMon 12/09 300-500PM WEST W3-02 Nagelberg, D
BIOL& 109& 008 Main40911 Anat & Phys IMon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W2-32 Noyes, J
BIOL& 109& 964 Main42258 Anat & Phys ITue 12/10 800-1000PM WEST W2-30 Opara-Osuoha, U
BIOL& 109& 953 Main40891 Anat & Phys IMon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W4-12 Perry, C
BIOL& 109& 959 Main40985 Anat & Phys ITue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W2-42 Piazza, M
BIOL& 109& 003 Main40800 Anat & Phys IWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W4-02 Poznek, E
BIOL& 109& 008 Main40911 Anat & Phys IMon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W2-32 Poznek, E
BIOL& 109& 017 Main40978 Anat & Phys IMon 12/09 900-1100AM WEST W3-02 Poznek, E
BIOL& 109& 956 Main40918 Anat & Phys IWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W3-03 Razmara, M
BIOL& 109& 958 Main40927 Anat & Phys IMon 12/09 300-500PM WEST W2-30 Razmara, M
BIOL& 109& 007 Main40909 Anat & Phys ITue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W3-02 Renna, B
BIOL& 109& 955 Main40916 Anat & Phys IFri 12/13 900-1100AM WEST W3-03 Renna, B
BIOL& 109& 960 Main40951 Anat & Phys IFri 12/13 900-1100AM WEST W2-30 Skorina, L
BIOL& 109& 962 Main45670 Anat & Phys ISat 12/14 100-300PM WEST W3-02 Thomas, M
BIOL& 109& 121 Northeast42077 Anat & Phys IThu 12/12 1200-200PM NERC 346 Bereza, B
BIOL& 109& 951 Northeast44575 Anat & Phys ITue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 205 Brady, J
BIOL& 109& 970 Northeast45651 Anat & Phys IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 341 Fisher, A
BIOL& 109& 966 Northeast40797 Anat & Phys IWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 205 Lewis, E
BIOL& 109& 968 Northeast40893 Anat & Phys IWed 12/11 530-730PM NERC 246 Lewis, E
BIOL& 109& 950 Northeast44578 Anat & Phys IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 346 Perry, C
BIOL& 109& 972 Northeast45689 Anat & Phys IThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 225 Vermitsky, J
BIOL& 109& 969 West Phila44123 Anat & Phys ITue 12/10 530-730PM WERC 125 Mayfield, K
BIOL& 110& 005 Main40828 Anat & Phys IIWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W4-04 Chu, R
BIOL& 110& 953 Main40871 Anat & Phys IITue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W3-02 Chu, R
BIOL& 110& 951 Main40863 Anat & Phys IIMon 12/09 900-1100AM WEST W2-30 Lopez, R
BIOL& 110& 011 Main42239 Anat & Phys IISat 12/14 1000-1200PM WEST W2-30 Lopez, R
BIOL& 110& 008 Main40866 Anat & Phys IIThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W1-25 Mishchuk, O
BIOL& 110& 954 Main40850 Anat & Phys IIThu 12/12 300-500PM WEST W2-30 Opara-Osuoha, U
BIOL& 110& 001 Main40809 Anat & Phys IITue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W4-02 Razmara, M
BIOL& 110& 950 Main40816 Anat & Phys IIWed 12/11 530-730PM WEST W4-12 Razmara, M
BIOL& 110& 952 Main40835 Anat & Phys IIWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W3-02 Renna, B
BIOL& 110& 957 Northeast41115 Anat & Phys IIMon 12/09 300-500PM NERC 341 Brambrink, J
BIOL& 110& 105 Northeast41716 Anat & Phys IIMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 248 Brambrink, J
BIOL& 110& 959 Northeast42080 Anat & Phys IITue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 341 Brambrink, J
BIOL& 110& 956 Northeast40901 Anat & Phys IIWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 225 Martini, A
BIOL& 110& 100 Northeast41116 Anat & Phys IISat 12/14 1000-1200PM NERC 341 McCabe, F
BIOL& 110& 955 Northeast45794 Anat & Phys IIThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 346 Perry, C
BIOL& 110& 958 West Phila42238 Anat & Phys IITue 12/10 300-500PM WERC 125 Mayfield, K
BIOL& 123& 950 Main40912 Principles of Biology IThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W3-39 Piazza, M
BIOL& 123& 001 Main46075 Principles of Biology IWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W3-39 Piazza, M
BIOL& 123& 951 Northeast42119 Principles of Biology IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 225 Salerno, D
BIOL& 124& 950 Main42923 Principles of Biology IIThu 12/12 300-500PM WEST W3-02 Noyes, J
BIOL& 211& 950 Main41591 GeneticsMon 12/09 1200-200PM WEST W3-39 Semrau, L
BIOL& 241& 951 Main40987 Principles of MicrobiologyTue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W3-02 Bogush, A
BIOL& 241& 955 Main46107 Principles of MicrobiologyThu 12/12 530-730PM WEST W3-02 Bogush, A
BIOL& 241& 950 Main41058 Principles of MicrobiologyFri 12/13 1200-200PM WEST W3-03 Gines, I
BIOL& 241& 952 Main40996 Principles of MicrobiologyWed 12/11 530-730PM WEST W3-02 Patel, B
BIOL& 241& 953 Main40999 Principles of MicrobiologyWed 12/11 300-500PM WEST W3-02 Patel, B
BIOL& 241& 001 Main40920 Principles of MicrobiologyTue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W4-03 Semrau, L
BIOL& 241& 102 Northeast41651 Principles of MicrobiologyTue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 239 Salerno, D
BIOL& 281& 950 Main42017 Biochemistry IWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W4-03 Lopez, R
BLAS& 101& 032 Main44564 Introduction to Black StudiesThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B1-08 Gbaya-Kanga, B
BLAS& 101& 033 Main44565 Introduction to Black StudiesThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B1-08 Gbaya-Kanga, B
BLAS& 101& 953 Main45100 Introduction to Black StudiesWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-09 Watson, D
BLAS& 101& 954 Main45102 Introduction to Black StudiesWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-09 Watson, D
BLAS& 102& 001 Main45948 Black Theory & Social ChangeThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-07 Love, A
BMET& 101& 951 Main44925 Biomedical Equipment Tech IThu 12/12 530-730PM WEST W4-37 Snyder, E
BMET& 201& 951 Main44926 Medical DevicesTue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W4-37 Soltys, M
BUSL& 101& 955 Main46008 Navigating Leadership/BusinessThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-08 Abdul-Badee, V
BUSL& 101& 950 Main44681 Navigating Leadership/BusinessWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-08 Banavara, G
BUSL& 101& 952 Main42854 Navigating Leadership/BusinessMon 12/09 530-730PM CBI C2-14 Denkins, V
BUSL& 101& 001 Main44680 Navigating Leadership/BusinessWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B1-08 Murray, S
BUSL& 101& 002 Main45332 Navigating Leadership/BusinessTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B2-08 Sawyer, D
BUSL& 101& 004 Main44093 Navigating Leadership/BusinessThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-08 Sirkis, J
BUSL& 101& 005 Main44095 Navigating Leadership/BusinessTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C3-20 Sirkis, J
BUSL& 101& 101 Northeast44789 Navigating Leadership/BusinessFri 12/13 900-1100AM NERC 306 Copeland, W
BUSL& 101& 100 Northeast46093 Navigating Leadership/BusinessTue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 304 Jenkins, T
BUSL& 125& 950 Main44390 Customer Service LeadershipFri 12/13 1200-200PM CBI C2-10 Murray, S
BUSL& 180& 951 Main45440 Building TeamsTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C2-06 Copeland, W
CHEM& 101& 950 Main41041 Fund of Chem I (Lab)Mon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W3-03 Gregor, M
CHEM& 103& 950 Main41043 Fundamental Chem I (Non-Lab)Mon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W3-03 Gregor, M
CHEM& 110& 028 Main42072 Introductory ChemistryTue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W2-43 Bahadory, M
CHEM& 110& 006 Main41047 Introductory ChemistryThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W3-04 Malele, C
CHEM& 110& 015 Main45118 Introductory ChemistryTue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W4-01 Malele, C
CHEM& 110& 007 Main41018 Introductory ChemistryMon 12/09 1200-200PM WEST W4-03 O'Connor, M
CHEM& 110& 001 Main41566 Introductory ChemistryWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W3-03 O'Connor, M
CHEM& 110& 950 Main42120 Introductory ChemistryTue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W3-03 O'Connor, M
CHEM& 110& 009 Main41049 Introductory ChemistrySat 12/14 1000-1200PM WEST W3-02 Tropiano, M
CHEM& 110& 011 Main41051 Introductory ChemistryWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W4-04 Wooten, T
CHEM& 110& 104 Northeast44632 Introductory ChemistrySat 12/14 100-300PM NERC 315 Lewicki, R
CHEM& 110& 102 Northeast44630 Introductory ChemistryTue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 258 Paramo, L
CHEM& 118& 004 Main45858 Introduction to BiochemistryWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W3-02 Wooten, T
CHEM& 121& 010 Main41032 College Chemistry IThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W3-01 Bahadory, M
CHEM& 121& 002 Main42345 College Chemistry ITue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W2-12 Gerz, L
CHEM& 121& 001 Main41024 College Chemistry IMon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W2-42 Wooten, T
CHEM& 121& 100 Northeast45862 College Chemistry ITue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 204 Erdei, J
CHEM& 122& 001 Main41004 College Chemistry IIWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W4-02 Gerz, L
CHEM& 122& 004 Main41012 College Chemistry IITue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W4-01 Moore, G
CHEM& 214& 001 Main45255 Chemical AnalysisThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W2-12 Gerz, L
CHEM& 221& 002 Main41034 Organic Chemistry IWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W4-03 Amin, S
CHEM& 221& 006 Main45867 Organic Chemistry IThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W4-01 Miskiel, E
CHEM& 222& 001 Main42124 Organic Chemistry IITue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W4-02 Malele, C
CHIN& 101& 002 Main40083 Elementary ChineseTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-72 Yao, Y
CIS& 103& 001 Main40573 Intro to Info TechnologyThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C3-12 Agbada, E
CIS& 103& 961 Main40658 Intro to Info TechnologyWed 12/11 300-500PM CBI C3-15 Agbada, E
CIS& 103& 950 Main41847 Intro to Info TechnologyWed 12/11 530-730PM CBI C3-10 Agbada, E
CIS& 103& 980 Main40636 Intro to Info TechnologyMon 12/09 530-730PM CBI C3-20 Carter, A
CIS& 103& 020 Main40647 Intro to Info TechnologyWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C3-12 Carter, A
CIS& 103& 005 Main40585 Intro to Info TechnologyTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C3-10 DeAngelo, C
CIS& 103& 004 Main45792 Intro to Info TechnologyMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C3-14 Edwards, R
CIS& 103& 967 Main40623 Intro to Info TechnologyFri 12/13 1200-200PM CBI C3-20 Edwards-Harris, C
CIS& 103& 966 Main40593 Intro to Info TechnologyTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C3-10 Gerrard, M
CIS& 103& 962 Main40654 Intro to Info TechnologyMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C3-12 Hearn, B
CIS& 103& 969 Main46176 Intro to Info TechnologyThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C2-15 Hearn, B
CIS& 103& 002 Main41286 Intro to Info TechnologyThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C2-18 Khan, I
CIS& 103& 963 Main41499 Intro to Info TechnologyTue 12/10 900-1100AM CBI C2-18 Khan, I
CIS& 103& 970 Main40621 Intro to Info TechnologyWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-12 Leonard, L
CIS& 103& 968 Main46175 Intro to Info TechnologyMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-15 Leonard, L
CIS& 103& 968 Main46175 Intro to Info TechnologyMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-15 Liss, L
CIS& 103& 003 Main40577 Intro to Info TechnologyWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-20 Melamed, D
CIS& 103& 952 Main42092 Intro to Info TechnologyFri 12/13 1200-200PM CBI C3-18 Patti, J
CIS& 103& 031 Main40612 Intro to Info TechnologyTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C3-12 Shirley, E
CIS& 103& 960 Main41509 Intro to Info TechnologyThu 12/12 300-500PM CBI C3-08 Winfield, R
CIS& 103& 951 Main42327 Intro to Info TechnologySat 12/14 100-300PM CBI C3-18 Winfield, R
CIS& 103& 965 Main40596 Intro to Info TechnologyWed 12/11 300-500PM CBI C2-18 Woods, I
CIS& 103& 955 Northeast42090 Intro to Info TechnologyTue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 305 Alexander, N
CIS& 103& 953 Northeast44146 Intro to Info TechnologyTue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 305 Alexander, N
CIS& 103& 958 Northeast40611 Intro to Info TechnologyFri 12/13 900-1100AM NERC 305 Freeman, J
CIS& 103& 957 Northeast40617 Intro to Info TechnologyMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 305 Freeman, J
CIS& 103& 954 Northeast45277 Intro to Info TechnologyThu 12/12 530-730PM NERC 305 Murphy, J
CIS& 103& 959 Northeast45278 Intro to Info TechnologyThu 12/12 1200-200PM NERC 305 Murphy, J
CIS& 105& 004 Main44147 Computer Systems MaintenanceThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-08 Dorsey, S
CIS& 105& 951 Main41283 Computer Systems MaintenanceThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C3-18 Nelson, C
CIS& 105& 950 Main42926 Computer Systems MaintenanceMon 12/09 530-730PM CBI C3-08 Simpson, B
CIS& 106& 003 Main40781 Intro to Computer ProgrammingWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C3-18 Melamed, D
CIS& 106& 950 Northeast45786 Intro to Computer ProgrammingMon 12/09 1200-200PM NERC 305 Freeman, J
CIS& 114& 001 Main44150 JavaScript IWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C3-20 Ennoure, T
CIS& 130& 950 Main45280 Web DesignTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C2-15 Hearn, B
CIS& 150& 951 Main44155 Network TechnologySat 12/14 100-300PM CBI C3-08 Dorsey, S
CIS& 150& 001 Main44153 Network TechnologyWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-18 Isabella, D
CIS& 150& 952 Main40675 Network TechnologyTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C3-08 Simpson, B
CIS& 150& 950 Northeast46033 Network TechnologyFri 12/13 1200-200PM NERC 305 Isabella, D
CIS& 152& 001 Main42389 Introduction to CybersecurityWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-08 Dike-Anyiam, B
CIS& 152& 950 Northeast46034 Introduction to CybersecurityFri 12/13 900-1100AM NERC 304 Chang, S
CIS& 155& 950 Northeast45787 Principles of Operating SystemWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 305 McNeill, R
CIS& 200& 950 Main43287 Apple App Development IWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-15 Liss, L
CIS& 205& 001 Main40684 Database Management SystemsTue 12/10 900-1100AM CBI C3-12 Nelson, C
CIS& 205& 951 Main43378 Database Management SystemsTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C3-20 Phillips, J
CIS& 252& 001 Main46111 Managing Network ServersWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C3-14 Chang, S
CIS& 259& 951 Main45431 Comp. and Network SecurityTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C3-18 Chang, S
CIS& 261& 950 Main43283 Cyber InvestigationTue 12/10 900-1100AM CBI C3-18 Dike-Anyiam, B
CMS& 114& 002 Main46036 Intro to Comm & Media StudiesTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT L1-10 Logrono, R
CMS& 114& 001 Main46048 Intro to Comm & Media StudiesThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-20A Logrono, R
CMS& 140& 001 Main46032 Tech for the WorkplaceMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B2-23 Owens, E
CSCI& 111& 001 Main44173 Computer Science IThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C3-14 Gerrard, M
CSCI& 111& 002 Main40090 Computer Science IThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C2-14 Leonard, L
CSCI& 111& 951 Main40088 Computer Science IMon 12/09 530-730PM CBI C3-10 Woods, I
CSCI& 111& 950 Northeast45790 Computer Science IThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 306 Ennoure, T
CSCI& 112& 950 Main41281 Computer Science IIThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-14 Liss, L
CSCI& 211& 001 Main43573 Data Structures and AlgorithmsThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C3-15 Leonard, L
CSCI& 211& 900 44417 Data Structures and AlgorithmsTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-24 Hackett, M
CSCI& 213& 900 43574 Computer OrganizationWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-30 Hackett, M
CSCI& 218& 950 Main44175 Statistics for ComputingMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-10 Hackett, M
CULA& 151& 001 Main43305 Elementary Baking and PastryMon 12/09 900-1100AM PAV P2-06 Marin, A
CULA& 161& 001 Main43303 Food Serv Safey & SanitationWed 12/11 300-500PM PAV P2-18 Marin, A
CULA& 170& 002 Main45840 Elementary Food PrepTue 12/10 300-500PM PAV P2-06 Hicks, A
CULA& 170& 001 Main45288 Elementary Food PrepTue 12/10 900-1100AM PAV P2-06 Kendzierski, L
CULA& 171& 001 Main45289 Quantity Food PreparationWed 12/11 900-1100AM PAV P2-06 Kendzierski, L
CULA& 220& 001 Main46009 CULA Work Exp ITue 12/10 900-1100AM PAV P2-07 Marin, A
CULA& 240& 001 Main46010 Modern Food & TechniquesThu 12/12 900-1100AM PAV P2-07 Hicks, A
CULA& 270& 001 Main46011 Advanced Food ProductionWed 12/11 900-1100AM PAV P2-07 Marin, A
DH& 115& 001 Main44233 Oral, Head and Neck AnatomyFri 12/13 900-1100AM WEST W3-02 Sheehan, C
DH& 135& 001 Main44236 Dental RadiologyWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W2-32 DeFiore, M
DH& 150& 001 Main44241 Dental Auxiliary PracticesMon 12/09 900-1100AM WEST W2-42 Grady, T
DH& 191& 001 Main44244 Clinical Dental Hygiene ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN B1-08 Griffin, C
DH& 241& 001 Main44651 Oral PathologyThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W2-32 Valentino, K
DH& 245& 001 Main45116 Dental Pharm and Pain MngtTue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W3-04 Viola, T
DH& 247& 001 Main44653 PeriodonticsWed 12/11 1200-200PM WINN S2-12C Sharkey, D
DH& 293& 001 Main44654 Clin Dental Hygiene IIIMon 12/09 900-1100AM WEST W3-03 Barnes, A
DH& 293& 001 Main44654 Clin Dental Hygiene IIIMon 12/09 900-1100AM WEST W3-03 DeFiore, M
DMI& 105& 001 Main43944 Image Prod/Evaluation ITue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W2-14 Peterson, R
DMI& 119& 001 Main43945 Radiation Safety IThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W2-14 Polito, C
DMI& 131& 001 Main43948 Patient Care and Procedures IMon 12/09 900-1100AM WEST W2-14 Tartaglione, M
DMI& 181& 001 Main43946 Rad Ost & Path IWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W2-14 Polito, C
DMI& 221& 001 Main44657 Advanced Imaging ITue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W2-14 Garnett, E
DMI& 221& 001 Main44657 Advanced Imaging ITue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W2-14 Polito, C
DMI& 231& 001 Main44658 Patient Care & Procedures IIIMon 12/09 1200-200PM WEST W2-14 Peterson, R
DMI& 261& 001 Main44661 Radiation Safety IIIWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W2-14 Polito, C
EASC& 111& 002 Main44690 Environmental ConservationMon 12/09 1200-200PM MINT M3-22 Garrity-Benjamin, D
EASC& 111& 003 Main45372 Environmental ConservationWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M3-07 Garrity-Benjamin, D
EASC& 111& 006 Main45968 Environmental ConservationThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C2-15 Hanley, P
EASC& 111& 001 Main44689 Environmental ConservationTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C2-12 Murphy, C
EASC& 111& 004 Main44691 Environmental ConservationThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C2-12 Murphy, C
EASC& 111H& 950 Main45356 Envir Conservation HonorsTue 12/10 900-1100AM MINT M3-06 Garrity-Benjamin, D
ECON& 112& 003 Main40280 Statistics IWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B2-09 Yancey, K
ECON& 112& 100 Northeast46061 Statistics IWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 306 Wright, M
ECON& 181& 002 Main40366 Prin Econ MacroThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-20 Garvin, R
ECON& 181& 003 Main40373 Prin Econ MacroMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN B2-23 Popescu, C
ECON& 181& 100 Northeast46060 Prin Econ MacroFri 12/13 900-1100AM NERC 302 Popescu, C
ECON& 182& 001 Main43273 Prin Econ MicroMon 12/09 1200-200PM WEST W3-05 Popescu, C
ED& 135& 001 Main42000 Fam. and Com. RelationshipsWed 12/11 300-500PM WEST W1-15 Diorio-Chavenson, L
ED& 201& 002 Main46040 Foundation Ed Mid/Secndry YrsMon 12/09 530-730PM WEST W2-30 Webster, N
ED& 204& 950 Main42496 Curric: Engaging Young ChildTue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W1-15 Ellis, D
ED& 214& 001 Main46041 Cognition and LearningTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-67 Webster, N
ED& 255& 951 Main46076 Teaching Eng Lanuage LearnersThu 12/12 530-730PM WEST W1-15 Blass, K
ED& 265& 002 Main46043 Intro to Special EducationMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-67 Archer, D
ED& 265& 001 Main46042 Intro to Special EducationThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN BR-67 Webster, N
ED& 290& 950 Main45904 Early Childhood Educ PracticumSat 12/14 1000-1200PM CBI C2-10 Diorio-Chavenson, L
ELEC& 120& 001 Main45447 DC and AC CircuitsTue 12/10 530-730PM WEST W2-43 Siddique, M
ELEC& 130& 002 Main42834 Digital ElectronicsTue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W4-37 Durbha, S
ENGL& 071& 190 Main45094 Beg List + SpkgWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-24 Fix-Lopez, M
ENGL& 071& 191 Main41737 Beg List + SpkgWed 12/11 300-500PM MINT M3-03B Kaloustian, T
ENGL& 071& 100 Northeast45781 Beg List + SpkgThu 12/12 1200-200PM NERC 211 Reyes, K
ENGL& 072& 192 Main40091 Inter List + SpkgThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-62 Bayer, B
ENGL& 072& 001 Main45733 Inter List + SpkgWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-62 Bayer, B
ENGL& 072& 190 Main43239 Inter List + SpkgMon 12/09 300-500PM MINT M3-03A Raison, N
ENGL& 072& 193 Northeast43499 Inter List + SpkgTue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 211 Reyes, K
ENGL& 073& 192 Main44964 Adv List + SpkgThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-01 Corrigan, C
ENGL& 073& 191 Main41302 Adv List + SpkgWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-30 Koui, S
ENGL& 073& 190 Northeast43051 Adv List + SpkgTue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 243 Reinstein, J
ENGL& 081& 190 Main43705 High Begin ReadingWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M3-03B Kaloustian, T
ENGL& 081& 191 Northeast45308 High Begin ReadingTue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 215 Walker, H
ENGL& 082& 193 Main41742 Low-Inter Reading for ELLWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-30 Fix-Lopez, M
ENGL& 082& 950 Main45226 Low-Inter Reading for ELLMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-30 Mielke, M
ENGL& 082& 192 Northeast43034 Low-Inter Reading for ELLTue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 225 Kelly, S
ENGL& 082& 191 Northeast45310 Low-Inter Reading for ELLMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 239 Reinstein, J
ENGL& 083& 194 Main40130 High Inter RdgWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-19 Koui, S
ENGL& 083& 001 Main45735 High Inter RdgWed 12/11 900-1100AM WINN S2-09 Labov, J
ENGL& 083& 951 Main40136 High Inter RdgMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN B1-08 Zilovic, E
ENGL& 083& 002 Main45737 High Inter RdgThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-09 Zilovic, E
ENGL& 083& 190 Northeast43500 High Inter RdgTue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 248 Kirshner-Morris, L
ENGL& 083& 003 Northeast46092 High Inter RdgMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 335 Ryan, K
ENGL& 084& 193 Main44821 Academic ReadingThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-73 Brenner, A
ENGL& 084& 001 Main44033 Academic ReadingWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M3-03A Corrigan, C
ENGL& 084& 003 Main45743 Academic ReadingThu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT M3-11 Greenlee, L
ENGL& 084& 194 Main44037 Academic ReadingThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-10 Kabongo Mianda, K
ENGL& 084& 192 Main44834 Academic ReadingWed 12/11 1200-200PM MINT M3-21 Mielke, M
ENGL& 084& 002 Main45741 Academic ReadingWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M3-25 Valdez, P
ENGL& 084& 191 Northeast44823 Academic ReadingMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 253 Borochok, L
ENGL& 084& 102 Northeast45747 Academic ReadingMon 12/09 530-730PM NERC 209 Scholl, M
ENGL& 091& 190 Main43706 High Beg WritingMon 12/09 1200-200PM MINT M3-03B Kaloustian, T
ENGL& 091& 191 Northeast45309 High Beg WritingThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 215 Walker, H
ENGL& 092& 193 Main41743 Low-Inter Writing for ELLMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B2-19 Fix-Lopez, M
ENGL& 092& 950 Main45227 Low-Inter Writing for ELLMon 12/09 800-1000PM BONN BR-30 Mielke, M
ENGL& 092& 192 Northeast43035 Low-Inter Writing for ELLThu 12/12 800-1000PM NERC 225 Kelly, S
ENGL& 092& 191 Northeast45311 Low-Inter Writing for ELLWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 239 Reinstein, J
ENGL& 093& 194 Main40508 High Inter WrtgMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B2-02 Koui, S
ENGL& 093& 001 Main45736 High Inter WrtgMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-62 Labov, J
ENGL& 093& 951 Main40432 High Inter WrtgMon 12/09 800-1000PM BONN B1-08 Zilovic, E
ENGL& 093& 002 Main45738 High Inter WrtgTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C3-09 Zilovic, E
ENGL& 093& 190 Northeast43501 High Inter WrtgThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 248 Kirshner-Morris, L
ENGL& 093& 003 Northeast46091 High Inter WrtgWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 335 Ryan, K
ENGL& 094& 193 Main44822 Academic WritingTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-01 Brenner, A
ENGL& 094& 001 Main44032 Academic WritingMon 12/09 1200-200PM MINT M3-10 Corrigan, C
ENGL& 094& 003 Main45744 Academic WritingTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-11 Greenlee, L
ENGL& 094& 194 Main44036 Academic WritingTue 12/10 300-500PM BONN BR-22 Kabongo Mianda, K
ENGL& 094& 192 Main44835 Academic WritingMon 12/09 300-500PM MINT M3-21 Mielke, M
ENGL& 094& 002 Main45742 Academic WritingMon 12/09 1200-200PM MINT M3-25 Valdez, P
ENGL& 094& 191 Northeast44824 Academic WritingWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 304 Borochok, L
ENGL& 094& 102 Northeast45748 Academic WritingWed 12/11 530-730PM NERC 209 Scholl, M
ENGL& 097& 969 Main45174 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W2-12 Bailis, L
ENGL& 097& 952 Main44958 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 530-730PM BONN B2-19 Bair, M
ENGL& 097& 018 Main45694 English Coreq Seminar ProgramTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B2-43 Banks, B
ENGL& 097& 951 Main45065 English Coreq Seminar ProgramFri 12/13 1200-200PM BONN B1-07 Blackwell, E
ENGL& 097& 016 Main44952 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 800-1000PM WINN S3-10 Bouchenafa, K
ENGL& 097& 031 Main44554 English Coreq Seminar ProgramMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-54 Catanese, E
ENGL& 097& 971 Main44968 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B1-07 Claypole White, Z
ENGL& 097& 967 Main45171 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 530-730PM BONN B1-07 Diaz, J
ENGL& 097& 027 Main45661 English Coreq Seminar ProgramMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-26 Farley, M
ENGL& 097& 950 Main44949 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B1-07 Featherston, D
ENGL& 097& 962 Main45144 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 530-730PM BONN BR-10 Featherston, D
ENGL& 097& 005 Main44818 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-72 Fleck, A
ENGL& 097& 965 Main45168 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-08 Furin, K
ENGL& 097& 032 Main44563 English Coreq Seminar ProgramTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B1-01 Gbaya-Kanga, B
ENGL& 097& 014 Main44974 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT M3-22 Guaragno, C
ENGL& 097& 022 Main45570 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM WINN S2-09 Guaragno, C
ENGL& 097& 004 Main44548 English Coreq Seminar ProgramMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-10 Harrington, G
ENGL& 097& 985 Main45681 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 530-730PM BONN BR-50 Jointe, G
ENGL& 097& 011 Main44946 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-24 Logrono, R
ENGL& 097& 003 Main44543 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C3-08 Mangini, L
ENGL& 097& 006 Main44551 English Coreq Seminar ProgramTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-22 Marcotte, M
ENGL& 097& 023 Main45753 English Coreq Seminar ProgramMon 12/09 300-500PM CBI C2-08 Medio, K
ENGL& 097& 987 Main45684 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 300-500PM CBI C3-18 Mitchell, J
ENGL& 097& 007 Main44798 English Coreq Seminar ProgramMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C2-15 Morgan, T
ENGL& 097& 026 Main45567 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-26 Myers, M
ENGL& 097& 957 Main44965 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B1-07 Nelson, C
ENGL& 097& 015 Main45022 English Coreq Seminar ProgramSat 12/14 1000-1200PM BONN B2-02 Nutters, D
ENGL& 097& 977 Main45165 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 530-730PM BONN BR-26 Perri, T
ENGL& 097& 958 Main45125 English Coreq Seminar ProgramTue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN B1-01 Schiller, E
ENGL& 097& 012 Main44937 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-19 Torres, S
ENGL& 097& 013 Main44955 English Coreq Seminar ProgramTue 12/10 300-500PM MINT M3-03B Varrone, K
ENGL& 097& 019 Main45749 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-67 Villanueva, K
ENGL& 097& 953 Main45101 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C3-09 Watson, D
ENGL& 097& 010 Main44931 English Coreq Seminar ProgramTue 12/10 300-500PM WINN S2-12C Watson, K
ENGL& 097& 029 Main45664 English Coreq Seminar ProgramTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C2-12 Zhuraw, S
ENGL& 097& 101 Northeast46045 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 212 Bayma Neto, J
ENGL& 097& 102 Northeast45006 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 259 Cannon, P
ENGL& 097& 954 Northeast45009 English Coreq Seminar ProgramThu 12/12 530-730PM NERC 253 Hannigan, J
ENGL& 097& 979 Northeast45464 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 249 Malpass, C
ENGL& 097& 981 Northeast45468 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 228 Swauger, D
ENGL& 097& 100 Northeast45795 English Coreq Seminar ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 228 Swauger, D
ENGL& 098& 048 Main45761 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-24 Allison, C
ENGL& 098& 965 Main43117 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B2-12 Bank, A
ENGL& 098& 031 Main45041 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B2-12 Bank, A
ENGL& 098& 058 Main45655 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-26 Banks, B
ENGL& 098& 033 Main45044 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 300-500PM BONN B2-12 Benton, W
ENGL& 098& 001 Main44851 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-19 Byker James, S
ENGL& 098& 054 Main45618 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN BR-26 Cannon, P
ENGL& 098& 973 Main44994 English Accel Learning ProgramFri 12/13 1200-200PM BONN B2-05 Carroll, M
ENGL& 098& 038 Main45549 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 300-500PM BONN BR-24 Cohen, J
ENGL& 098& 006 Main44863 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M3-11 Cotugno, C
ENGL& 098& 003 Main45511 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-19 Davis, R
ENGL& 098& 890 Main43916 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-70 Doss, M
ENGL& 098& 962 Main44854 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B2-19 Elijah, E
ENGL& 098& 244 Main42422 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 800-1000PM BONN BR-24 Esters, J
ENGL& 098& 036 Main45546 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-30 Ethier, C
ENGL& 098& 060 Main45658 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B2-30 Freedman, J
ENGL& 098& 987 Main45193 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 530-730PM BONN B1-08 Garcia, P
ENGL& 098& 044 Main45558 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-22 Garcia, P
ENGL& 098& 888 Main43905 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 300-500PM BONN BR-10 Genovesi, L
ENGL& 098& 241 Main40884 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-21 Goedde, B
ENGL& 098& 029 Main45543 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B2-08 Harris-Peyton, M
ENGL& 098& 046 Main45606 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C2-08 Haughney, C
ENGL& 098& 966 Main43845 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-10 Henton, R
ENGL& 098& 243 Main40849 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W4-04 Ho, A
ENGL& 098& 926 Main43796 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-02 Ho, A
ENGL& 098& 040 Main45552 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-02 Hoeffel, M
ENGL& 098& 253 Main40844 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-12 Johnson, S
ENGL& 098& 989 Main45196 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W2-43 Johnson, S
ENGL& 098& 245 Main42638 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM WINN S2-12D Kenyon, J
ENGL& 098& 985 Main45190 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-05 Lefevre, S
ENGL& 098& 807 Main46181 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B2-19 Lefevre, S
ENGL& 098& 251 Main44997 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C3-13 Lehmann, L
ENGL& 098& 971 Main43738 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B1-07 Levine-Crozier, R
ENGL& 098& 050 Main45612 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 300-500PM MINT M3-19 Markovitz, J
ENGL& 098& 922 Main43770 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B2-30 McCool, E
ENGL& 098& 993 Main40896 English Accel Learning ProgramFri 12/13 1200-200PM BONN BR-72 McManus, D
ENGL& 098& 002 Main44860 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-37 Moudry, N
ENGL& 098& 964 Main45589 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-23 Odell, J
ENGL& 098& 967 Main44857 English Accel Learning ProgramFri 12/13 1200-200PM BONN B2-02 Oppenheimer, M
ENGL& 098& 249 Main44988 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-37 Peterson, N
ENGL& 098& 250 Main44991 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 300-500PM WEST W3-03 Peterson, N
ENGL& 098& 042 Main45555 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-46 Petrus, O
ENGL& 098& 817 Main45677 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B1-08 Philbert, B
ENGL& 098& 951 Main40859 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN B1-07 Sass-Germain, L
ENGL& 098& 954 Main40865 English Accel Learning ProgramMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-22 Shane, C
ENGL& 098& 981 Main45047 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B1-01 Shane, C
ENGL& 098& 886 Main43902 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B1-01 Thompson, L
ENGL& 098& 252 Main40832 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-29 White, P
ENGL& 098& 928 Main43799 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-03B Zelitch, S
ENGL& 098& 242 Main40868 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-23 Zigarelli, J
ENGL& 098& 978 Northeast45003 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 530-730PM NERC 238 Barnhill, A
ENGL& 098& 107 Northeast45473 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 249 Barnhill, A
ENGL& 098& 997 Northeast45479 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 254 Blackwell, E
ENGL& 098& 117 Northeast45776 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 215 Blyweiss, D
ENGL& 098& 105 Northeast45000 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 315 Kantor, J
ENGL& 098& 960 Northeast46112 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 530-730PM NERC 204 McCrane, B
ENGL& 098& 897 Northeast45483 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 530-730PM NERC 302 McFadden, J
ENGL& 098& 248 Northeast40857 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 212 Mercier, M
ENGL& 098& 991 Northeast41535 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 211 Rocks, J
ENGL& 098& 810 Northeast46164 English Accel Learning ProgramWed 12/11 530-730PM NERC 204 Setters, R
ENGL& 098& 115 Northeast45773 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 244 Walls, D
ENGL& 098& 110 West Phila45306 English Accel Learning ProgramTue 12/10 1200-200PM CATC 345 Snover, A
ENGL& 098& 062 46130 English Accel Learning ProgramThu 12/12 800-1000PM BONN B1-01 Johnson, D
ENGL& 101& 048 Main45762 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-30 Allison, C
ENGL& 101& 049 Main45763 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-30 Allison, C
ENGL& 101& 965 Main43118 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-12 Bank, A
ENGL& 101& 959 Main43119 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-12 Bank, A
ENGL& 101& 031 Main45040 English Composition IWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-12 Bank, A
ENGL& 101& 032 Main45042 English Composition IWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-12 Bank, A
ENGL& 101& 058 Main45656 English Composition IWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B2-30 Banks, B
ENGL& 101& 059 Main45657 English Composition IWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B2-30 Banks, B
ENGL& 101& 033 Main45043 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-29 Benton, W
ENGL& 101& 034 Main45045 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-29 Benton, W
ENGL& 101& 056 Main46069 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W1-25 Brainard, E
ENGL& 101& 057 Main46070 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W1-25 Brainard, E
ENGL& 101& 015 Main40519 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN BR-43 Buchholz, D
ENGL& 101& 022 Main41429 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-43 Buchholz, D
ENGL& 101& 010 Main42557 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN BR-08 Buchholz, D
ENGL& 101& 023 Main45516 English Composition IMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-43 Buchholz, D
ENGL& 101& 001 Main44850 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-67 Byker James, S
ENGL& 101& 007 Main44852 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-67 Byker James, S
ENGL& 101& 054 Main45619 English Composition ITue 12/10 300-500PM BONN BR-26 Cannon, P
ENGL& 101& 055 Main45620 English Composition ITue 12/10 300-500PM BONN BR-26 Cannon, P
ENGL& 101& 973 Main44993 English Composition IFri 12/13 900-1100AM BONN BR-50 Carroll, M
ENGL& 101& 979 Main44995 English Composition IFri 12/13 900-1100AM BONN BR-50 Carroll, M
ENGL& 101& 038 Main45550 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-24 Cohen, J
ENGL& 101& 039 Main45551 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-24 Cohen, J
ENGL& 101& 006 Main44862 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM MINT M3-11 Cotugno, C
ENGL& 101& 013 Main44864 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM MINT M3-11 Cotugno, C
ENGL& 101& 003 Main45510 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-03A Davis, R
ENGL& 101& 011 Main45512 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-03A Davis, R
ENGL& 101& 890 Main43917 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN BR-70 Doss, M
ENGL& 101& 891 Main43918 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN BR-70 Doss, M
ENGL& 101& 950 Main40698 English Composition IMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B2-29 Ebersole, D
ENGL& 101& 962 Main44853 English Composition IMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-24 Elijah, E
ENGL& 101& 968 Main44855 English Composition IMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-24 Elijah, E
ENGL& 101& 009 Main40712 English Composition IMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-24 Esposito, W
ENGL& 101& 027 Main40914 English Composition IWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-46 Esposito, W
ENGL& 101& 005 Main41829 English Composition IMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-24 Esters, J
ENGL& 101& 244 Main42421 English Composition IMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-24 Esters, J
ENGL& 101& 036 Main45547 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN B1-07 Ethier, C
ENGL& 101& 037 Main45548 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN B1-07 Ethier, C
ENGL& 101& 060 Main45659 English Composition IThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-30 Freedman, J
ENGL& 101& 987 Main45192 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B1-08 Garcia, P
ENGL& 101& 988 Main45194 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B1-08 Garcia, P
ENGL& 101& 044 Main45559 English Composition IWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B1-01 Garcia, P
ENGL& 101& 045 Main45560 English Composition IWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B1-01 Garcia, P
ENGL& 101& 983 Main45049 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-37 Giddle, C
ENGL& 101& 984 Main45051 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-37 Giddle, C
ENGL& 101& 241 Main42417 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-43 Goedde, B
ENGL& 101& 004 Main42546 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-43 Goedde, B
ENGL& 101& 029 Main45544 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M3-12 Harris-Peyton, M
ENGL& 101& 035 Main45545 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM MINT M3-12 Harris-Peyton, M
ENGL& 101& 046 Main45607 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C2-08 Haughney, C
ENGL& 101& 047 Main45608 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C2-08 Haughney, C
ENGL& 101& 966 Main43846 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN BR-10 Henton, R
ENGL& 101& 975 Main44569 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN BR-10 Henton, R
ENGL& 101& 017 Main41430 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-43 Ho, A
ENGL& 101& 243 Main42420 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-43 Ho, A
ENGL& 101& 926 Main43797 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN BR-73 Ho, A
ENGL& 101& 927 Main43798 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN BR-73 Ho, A
ENGL& 101& 040 Main45553 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-62 Hoeffel, M
ENGL& 101& 041 Main45554 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-62 Hoeffel, M
ENGL& 101& 024 Main40530 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-12 Hoffman, F
ENGL& 101& 253 Main43004 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN B2-12 Johnson, S
ENGL& 101& 113 Main43005 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN B2-12 Johnson, S
ENGL& 101& 989 Main45195 English Composition ITue 12/10 300-500PM WEST W2-43 Johnson, S
ENGL& 101& 990 Main45197 English Composition ITue 12/10 300-500PM WEST W2-43 Johnson, S
ENGL& 101& 952 Main43806 English Composition IMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B1-01 Landers, J
ENGL& 101& 953 Main43807 English Composition IMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B1-01 Landers, J
ENGL& 101& 985 Main45189 English Composition IMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-70 Lefevre, S
ENGL& 101& 986 Main45191 English Composition IMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-70 Lefevre, S
ENGL& 101& 251 Main44996 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C3-20 Lehmann, L
ENGL& 101& 021 Main44998 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C3-20 Lehmann, L
ENGL& 101& 016 Main40408 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-05 Lepore, B
ENGL& 101& 014 Main40421 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C2-08 Lepore, B
ENGL& 101& 971 Main43739 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-05 Levine-Crozier, R
ENGL& 101& 972 Main43740 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-05 Levine-Crozier, R
ENGL& 101& 050 Main45613 English Composition IWed 12/11 1200-200PM MINT M3-19 Markovitz, J
ENGL& 101& 051 Main45614 English Composition IWed 12/11 1200-200PM MINT M3-19 Markovitz, J
ENGL& 101& 994 Main40427 English Composition IFri 12/13 900-1100AM BONN BR-72 McManus, D
ENGL& 101& 993 Main43001 English Composition IFri 12/13 900-1100AM BONN BR-72 McManus, D
ENGL& 101& 002 Main44859 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-10 Moudry, N
ENGL& 101& 008 Main44861 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-10 Moudry, N
ENGL& 101& 026 Main45517 English Composition IThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-43 Odell, J
ENGL& 101& 964 Main45590 English Composition ITue 12/10 300-500PM BONN B2-29 Odell, J
ENGL& 101& 974 Main45591 English Composition ITue 12/10 300-500PM BONN B2-29 Odell, J
ENGL& 101& 967 Main44856 English Composition IFri 12/13 900-1100AM BONN BR-10 Oppenheimer, M
ENGL& 101& 969 Main44858 English Composition IFri 12/13 900-1100AM BONN BR-10 Oppenheimer, M
ENGL& 101& 249 Main44987 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN B2-37 Peterson, N
ENGL& 101& 018 Main44989 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN B2-37 Peterson, N
ENGL& 101& 250 Main44990 English Composition IWed 12/11 1200-200PM WINN S2-10 Peterson, N
ENGL& 101& 020 Main44992 English Composition IWed 12/11 1200-200PM WINN S2-10 Peterson, N
ENGL& 101& 042 Main45556 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN BR-46 Petrus, O
ENGL& 101& 043 Main45557 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN BR-46 Petrus, O
ENGL& 101& 817 Main45678 English Composition IMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-22 Philbert, B
ENGL& 101& 818 Main45679 English Composition IMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-22 Philbert, B
ENGL& 101& 958 Main40512 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-22 Shane, C
ENGL& 101& 954 Main42416 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-22 Shane, C
ENGL& 101& 982 Main45048 English Composition IMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B2-05 Shane, C
ENGL& 101& 886 Main43903 English Composition ITue 12/10 300-500PM BONN B1-01 Thompson, L
ENGL& 101& 887 Main43904 English Composition ITue 12/10 300-500PM BONN B1-01 Thompson, L
ENGL& 101& 028 Main40534 English Composition ITue 12/10 300-500PM BONN B1-08 Torres, S
ENGL& 101& 252 Main43002 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN B2-29 White, P
ENGL& 101& 109 Main43003 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN B2-29 White, P
ENGL& 101& 012 Main42558 English Composition IWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-10 Wright, P
ENGL& 101& 019 Main42559 English Composition IWed 12/11 800-1000PM BONN B2-43 Wright, P
ENGL& 101& 928 Main43800 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-03B Zelitch, S
ENGL& 101& 929 Main43801 English Composition ITue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-03B Zelitch, S
ENGL& 101& 025 Main42418 English Composition IMon 12/09 1200-200PM MINT M3-07 Zigarelli, J
ENGL& 101& 242 Main42419 English Composition IMon 12/09 1200-200PM MINT M3-07 Zigarelli, J
ENGL& 101& 061 Main45660 English Composition IThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-30
ENGL& 101& 978 Northeast45002 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 238 Barnhill, A
ENGL& 101& 980 Northeast45004 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 238 Barnhill, A
ENGL& 101& 107 Northeast45474 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 249 Barnhill, A
ENGL& 101& 108 Northeast45475 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 249 Barnhill, A
ENGL& 101& 997 Northeast45481 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 254 Blackwell, E
ENGL& 101& 998 Northeast45482 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 254 Blackwell, E
ENGL& 101& 117 Northeast45777 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 215 Blyweiss, D
ENGL& 101& 118 Northeast45778 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 215 Blyweiss, D
ENGL& 101& 112 Northeast45487 English Composition IMon 12/09 1200-200PM NERC 212 Borochok, L
ENGL& 101& 102 Northeast40467 English Composition IWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 302 Fitzwater, L
ENGL& 101& 105 Northeast44999 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 212 Kantor, J
ENGL& 101& 106 Northeast45001 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 212 Kantor, J
ENGL& 101& 100 Northeast46056 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 204 Knebels, J
ENGL& 101& 960 Northeast46113 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 204 McCrane, B
ENGL& 101& 961 Northeast46114 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 204 McCrane, B
ENGL& 101& 897 Northeast45484 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 302 McFadden, J
ENGL& 101& 896 Northeast45485 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 302 McFadden, J
ENGL& 101& 101 Northeast40726 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 212 Mercier, M
ENGL& 101& 248 Northeast42998 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 212 Mercier, M
ENGL& 101& 992 Northeast40465 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 211 Rocks, J
ENGL& 101& 991 Northeast42996 English Composition IMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 211 Rocks, J
ENGL& 101& 104 Northeast44809 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 305 Schiller, E
ENGL& 101& 810 Northeast46165 English Composition IMon 12/09 530-730PM NERC 204 Setters, R
ENGL& 101& 809 Northeast46166 English Composition IMon 12/09 530-730PM NERC 204 Setters, R
ENGL& 101& 115 Northeast45774 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 244 Walls, D
ENGL& 101& 116 Northeast45775 English Composition ITue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 244 Walls, D
ENGL& 101& 110 West Phila45305 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM CATC 345 Snover, A
ENGL& 101& 111 West Phila45307 English Composition IThu 12/12 900-1100AM CATC 345 Snover, A
ENGL& 101& 062 46131 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B1-01 Johnson, D
ENGL& 101& 063 46132 English Composition ITue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B1-01 Johnson, D
ENGL& 106& 005 Main44819 GrammarMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-73 Fleck, A
ENGL& 106& 006 Main44830 GrammarMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-73 Fleck, A
ENGL& 106& 013 Main45224 GrammarThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-03A Varrone, K
ENGL& 106& 014 Main45225 GrammarThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-03A Varrone, K
ENGL& 106& 100 Northeast45782 GrammarMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 302 Bayma Neto, J
ENGL& 106& 101 Northeast46046 GrammarMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 302 Bayma Neto, J
ENGL& 115& 009 Main43009 Public SpeakingSat 12/14 1000-1200PM BONN B1-07 Carman III, V
ENGL& 115& 030 Main46126 Public SpeakingWed 12/11 900-1100AM WINN S3-08 Carman III, V
ENGL& 115& 014 Main43835 Public SpeakingMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B1-01 Johnson, M
ENGL& 115& 011 Main45222 Public SpeakingThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN BR-24 Logrono, R
ENGL& 115& 013 Main45223 Public SpeakingMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN BR-24 Logrono, R
ENGL& 115& 006 Main40446 Public SpeakingThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN BR-70 McQuain, K
ENGL& 115& 023 Main45752 Public SpeakingWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C2-14 Medio, K
ENGL& 115& 024 Main45754 Public SpeakingWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C2-14 Medio, K
ENGL& 115& 003 Main40394 Public SpeakingMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-10 Myers, M
ENGL& 115& 002 Main43348 Public SpeakingMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-46 Quinn, K
ENGL& 115& 005 Main40399 Public SpeakingThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-26 Raskin, D
ENGL& 115& 004 Main40449 Public SpeakingThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-26 Raskin, D
ENGL& 115& 007 Main42101 Public SpeakingThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-19 Russell, D
ENGL& 115& 001 Main40389 Public SpeakingWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-62 Shepard, M
ENGL& 115& 019 Main45750 Public SpeakingTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-67 Villanueva, K
ENGL& 115& 020 Main45751 Public SpeakingTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-67 Villanueva, K
ENGL& 115& 018 Main46055 Public SpeakingThu 12/12 1200-200PM WINN S3-08 Wells, N
ENGL& 115& 010 Main40419 Public SpeakingTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-26 Zagoren, S
ENGL& 115& 100 Northeast44786 Public SpeakingWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 211 Strimel, C
ENGL& 115& 017 45785 Public SpeakingThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W1-25 Aghazarian, A
ENGL& 115& 015 45783 Public SpeakingThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-46 Joyce, J
ENGL& 115& 016 45784 Public SpeakingThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-73 McQuain, K
ENGL& 116& 951 Main45064 Interpersonal CommunicationFri 12/13 900-1100AM BONN B1-07 Blackwell, E
ENGL& 116& 953 Main45066 Interpersonal CommunicationFri 12/13 900-1100AM BONN B1-07 Blackwell, E
ENGL& 116& 950 Main45780 Interpersonal CommunicationMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B2-30 Lewis, A
ENGL& 117& 950 Main41824 Group and Team CommunicationWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-22 Lewis, A
ENGL& 117& 953 Main41663 Group and Team CommunicationMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B1-08 Shepard, M
ENGL& 118& 001 Main45235 Intercultural CommunicationThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-24 Zagoren, S
ENGL& 131& 003 Main45727 Acting IMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN B2-29 Pappas, J
ENGL& 131& 001 Main43611 Acting IWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BG-22 Quinn, K
ENGL& 132& 002 Main45728 Acting IIThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BG-22 Quinn, K
ENGL& 137& 001 Main45731 Introduction to TheatreMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-29 Eli, Q
ENGL& 141& 004 Main45730 Intro to Technical TheatreWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BB-03 Pappas, J
ENGL& 190& 969 Main45173 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 300-500PM WEST W2-12 Bailis, L
ENGL& 190& 970 Main45175 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 300-500PM WEST W2-12 Bailis, L
ENGL& 190& 952 Main44957 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-22 Bair, M
ENGL& 190& 953 Main44959 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-22 Bair, M
ENGL& 190& 018 Main45695 Introduction to LiteratureThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-43 Banks, B
ENGL& 190& 016 Main44951 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-50 Bouchenafa, K
ENGL& 190& 017 Main44953 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 530-730PM WINN S3-10 Bouchenafa, K
ENGL& 190& 971 Main44969 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B1-07 Claypole White, Z
ENGL& 190& 972 Main44970 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B1-07 Claypole White, Z
ENGL& 190& 967 Main45170 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B1-07 Diaz, J
ENGL& 190& 968 Main45172 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B1-07 Diaz, J
ENGL& 190& 027 Main45662 Introduction to LiteratureWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN BR-26 Farley, M
ENGL& 190& 028 Main45663 Introduction to LiteratureWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN BR-26 Farley, M
ENGL& 190& 950 Main44948 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B1-07 Featherston, D
ENGL& 190& 951 Main44950 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B1-07 Featherston, D
ENGL& 190& 962 Main45143 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-10 Featherston, D
ENGL& 190& 963 Main45145 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-10 Featherston, D
ENGL& 190& 965 Main45167 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B2-08 Furin, K
ENGL& 190& 966 Main45169 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B2-08 Furin, K
ENGL& 190& 014 Main44975 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 900-1100AM MINT M3-22 Guaragno, C
ENGL& 190& 015 Main44976 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 900-1100AM MINT M3-22 Guaragno, C
ENGL& 190& 004 Main44549 Introduction to LiteratureWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-10 Harrington, G
ENGL& 190& 005 Main44550 Introduction to LiteratureWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-10 Harrington, G
ENGL& 190& 985 Main45682 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-50 Jointe, G
ENGL& 190& 986 Main45683 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-50 Jointe, G
ENGL& 190& 006 Main44552 Introduction to LiteratureThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-22 Marcotte, M
ENGL& 190& 007 Main44553 Introduction to LiteratureThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-22 Marcotte, M
ENGL& 190& 987 Main45685 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN B2-43 Mitchell, J
ENGL& 190& 988 Main45686 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN B2-43 Mitchell, J
ENGL& 190& 026 Main45565 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-72 Myers, M
ENGL& 190& 020 Main45568 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-72 Myers, M
ENGL& 190& 957 Main44966 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN B1-08 Nelson, C
ENGL& 190& 977 Main45164 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-26 Perri, T
ENGL& 190& 978 Main45166 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-26 Perri, T
ENGL& 190& 012 Main44936 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-19 Torres, S
ENGL& 190& 013 Main44940 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-19 Torres, S
ENGL& 190& 010 Main44930 Introduction to LiteratureThu 12/12 1200-200PM WINN S2-12C Watson, K
ENGL& 190& 011 Main44932 Introduction to LiteratureThu 12/12 1200-200PM WINN S2-12C Watson, K
ENGL& 190& 029 Main45665 Introduction to LiteratureThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C2-12 Zhuraw, S
ENGL& 190& 030 Main45666 Introduction to LiteratureThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C2-12 Zhuraw, S
ENGL& 190& 025 Main45696 Introduction to LiteratureThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-43
ENGL& 190& 102 Northeast45005 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 259 Cannon, P
ENGL& 190& 103 Northeast45007 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 259 Cannon, P
ENGL& 190& 954 Northeast45008 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 253 Hannigan, J
ENGL& 190& 955 Northeast45010 Introduction to LiteratureTue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 253 Hannigan, J
ENGL& 190& 979 Northeast45465 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 249 Malpass, C
ENGL& 190& 980 Northeast45466 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 249 Malpass, C
ENGL& 190& 981 Northeast45467 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 300-500PM NERC 225 Swauger, D
ENGL& 190& 982 Northeast45469 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 300-500PM NERC 225 Swauger, D
ENGL& 190& 100 Northeast45796 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 228 Swauger, D
ENGL& 190& 101 Northeast45797 Introduction to LiteratureMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 228 Swauger, D
ENGL& 205& 001 Main41792 Creative WritingThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-50 Goedde, B
ENGL& 205& 002 Main45734 Creative WritingMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-62 Zelitch, S
ENGL& 221& 001 Main45239 American Lit IThu 12/12 1200-200PM WINN S2-12D Giddle, C
ENGL& 245& 001 Main45725 World Lit: Antiquity to 1500Thu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT M3-01 Moudry, N
ENGL& 250& 001 Main40580 African American Lit IWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C3-19 Gates, N
ENGL& 282& 001 Main42551 ScriptwritingWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B1-08 Renshaw, D
ENGL& 297H& 001 Main46031 Lit Ancient/Medieval HonorsWed 12/11 1200-200PM MINT M3-06 Loughran, M
ENGR& 221& 001 Main43781 Vector Mechanics I (Statics)Tue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W4-02 Kane, M
ENTR& 101& 950 Main44801 Entrepreneurial ThinkingTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C3-09 Ainscoe, K
ENTR& 210& 950 Main46012 Entr Fail & RiskWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C2-15 Levy, B
FMM& 101& 001 Main43314 Survey of the Fashion IndustryTue 12/10 900-1100AM CBI C1-18 Ainscoe, K
FMM& 105& 950 Main43595 TextilesThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C1-18 Hall, G
FMM& 135& 950 Main45294 Fashion Product PromotionWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C1-18 Ainscoe, K
FMM& 140& 001 Main45295 Buying & Private Labe DevWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C1-18 Ainscoe, K
FNMT& 017& 002 Main45806 Elementary AlgebraMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B2-43 Guffanti, R
FNMT& 017& 900 40255 Elementary AlgebraThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-05 Paul, C
FNMT& 017& 901 40264 Elementary AlgebraTue 12/10 300-500PM NERC 306 Philip, S
FNMT& 019& 063 Main46168 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B2-02 Abdul-Khabeer, S
FNMT& 019& 062 Main46169 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN B2-02 Abdul-Khabeer, S
FNMT& 019& 010 Main45822 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C2-10 Baig, S
FNMT& 019& 011 Main45823 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C2-10 Baig, S
FNMT& 019& 002 Main45814 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C2-15 Birnbaum, E
FNMT& 019& 004 Main45816 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B2-02 Birnbaum, E
FNMT& 019& 027 Main45850 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-02 Borts, J
FNMT& 019& 049 Main45878 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-12 Borts, J
FNMT& 019& 003 Main45815 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN B2-05 Bouie, A
FNMT& 019& 021 Main45843 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C3-08 Bouie, A
FNMT& 019& 025 Main45847 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-05 Bouie, A
FNMT& 019& 039 Main45868 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-54 Bouie, A
FNMT& 019& 012 Main45824 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 800-1000PM CBI C3-14 Coleman, A
FNMT& 019& 023 Main45845 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C3-14 Coleman, A
FNMT& 019& 001 Main45813 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C2-12 Guffanti, R
FNMT& 019& 035 Main45861 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C3-13 Habib, A
FNMT& 019& 036 Main45864 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-13 Habib, A
FNMT& 019& 051 Main45880 Introductory MathematicsFri 12/13 900-1100AM BONN B2-30 Herman, D
FNMT& 019& 052 Main45881 Introductory MathematicsSat 12/14 1000-1200PM BONN B2-30 Herman, D
FNMT& 019& 026 Main45848 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-11 Kenerley, P
FNMT& 019& 022 Main45844 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C2-08 Lacorte, M
FNMT& 019& 053 Main45882 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-11 Lacorte, M
FNMT& 019& 040 Main45869 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-54 Lowenthal, M
FNMT& 019& 041 Main45870 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-54 Lowenthal, M
FNMT& 019& 057 Main46149 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 900-1100AM WINN S3-10 McGrowder-Roofe, T
FNMT& 019& 058 Main46152 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-19 McGrowder-Roofe, T
FNMT& 019& 005 Main45817 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 530-730PM CBI C2-12 Meadvin, L
FNMT& 019& 006 Main45818 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 530-730PM CBI C2-12 Meadvin, L
FNMT& 019& 016 Main45830 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B1-08 Muhunthan, R
FNMT& 019& 030 Main45854 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-37 Neumann, E
FNMT& 019& 031 Main45855 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C2-15 Neumann, E
FNMT& 019& 032 Main45857 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-30 Neumann, E
FNMT& 019& 014 Main45828 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-54 Paul, C
FNMT& 019& 015 Main45829 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C2-18 Paul, C
FNMT& 019& 018 Main45834 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN BR-54 Petrie, J
FNMT& 019& 038 Main45866 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 300-500PM CBI C2-10 Petrie, J
FNMT& 019& 028 Main45851 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 300-500PM CBI C3-11 Phan, H
FNMT& 019& 013 Main45826 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN BR-54 Politis, J
FNMT& 019& 007 Main45819 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN B2-02 Ritvin, S
FNMT& 019& 008 Main45820 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C2-10 Ritvin, S
FNMT& 019& 009 Main45821 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C2-10 Ritvin, S
FNMT& 019& 055 Main46134 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-12 Rutter, S
FNMT& 019& 061 Main46158 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B2-12 Saunders, S
FNMT& 019& 033 Main45859 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B1-01 Shepard-El, K
FNMT& 019& 059 Main46153 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-30 Snow, S
FNMT& 019& 060 Main46154 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-23 Snow, S
FNMT& 019& 043 Main45872 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-26 Suresh, S
FNMT& 019& 044 Main45873 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-50 Suresh, S
FNMT& 019& 047 Main45876 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-70 Teti, S
FNMT& 019& 048 Main45877 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C2-14 Teti, S
FNMT& 019& 019 Main45836 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 900-1100AM CBI C3-13 White, R
FNMT& 019& 020 Main45842 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-13 White, R
FNMT& 019& 017 Main45831 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B2-02 Woodlin, J
FNMT& 019& 037 Main45865 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C3-10 Woodlin, J
FNMT& 019& 054 Main45883 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 530-730PM CBI C2-15 Woodlin, M
FNMT& 019& 029 Main45853 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 530-730PM CBI C3-11 Zekavat, S
FNMT& 019& 034 Main45860 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C3-11 Zekavat, S
FNMT& 019& 127 Northeast45889 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 334 Al Khliel, A
FNMT& 019& 128 Northeast45890 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 334 Al Khliel, A
FNMT& 019& 123 Northeast44905 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 334 Parker, E
FNMT& 019& 124 Northeast44907 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 334 Parker, E
FNMT& 019& 126 Northeast45461 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 211 Reil, W
FNMT& 019& 120 Northeast44791 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 304 Smith, Y
FNMT& 019& 125 Northeast45459 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 238 Su, S
FNMT& 019& 129 Northeast45891 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 1200-200PM NERC 334 Su, S
FNMT& 019& 121 Northeast44825 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 238 Zubry, B
FNMT& 019& 122 Northeast44903 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 1200-200PM NERC 238 Zubry, B
FNMT& 019& 160 West Phila45521 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 900-1100AM CATC 243 Warrakah, K
FNMT& 019& 922 45803 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 800-1000PM BONN B2-12 Baczewski, S
FNMT& 019& 910 46073 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN B2-12 Baczewski, S
FNMT& 019& 903 43657 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-19 Birnbaum, E
FNMT& 019& 904 43658 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C3-08 Birnbaum, E
FNMT& 019& 907 45800 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-08 Birnbaum, E
FNMT& 019& 911 46078 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 300-500PM CBI C3-08 Birnbaum, E
FNMT& 019& 905 43660 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C3-08 Bouie, A
FNMT& 019& 901 43967 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-02 Caplan, J
FNMT& 019& 932 45805 Introductory MathematicsWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-37 Caplan, J
FNMT& 019& 906 43663 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 300-500PM CBI C3-10 Paul, C
FNMT& 019& 912 46080 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 300-500PM BONN B2-05 Paul, C
FNMT& 019& 920 43815 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 1200-200PM NERC 306 Ritvin, S
FNMT& 019& 913 46079 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 306 Ritvin, S
FNMT& 019& 056 46135 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-12 Rutter, S
FNMT& 019& 902 45799 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN B2-29 Ryder, L
FNMT& 019& 931 45804 Introductory MathematicsMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN B2-19 Ryder, L
FNMT& 019& 908 45801 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C2-14 Smith, Y
FNMT& 019& 909 45802 Introductory MathematicsTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-05 Smith, Y
FNMT& 019& 921 43818 Introductory MathematicsThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B2-09 Yoo, S
FNMT& 118& 033 Main45451 Intermediate AlgebraThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN B2-08 Ayranci, B
FNMT& 118& 031 Main44902 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-29 Bellew, N
FNMT& 118& 014 Main45885 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-12 Bellew, N
FNMT& 118& 040 Main44915 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 300-500PM CBI C2-14 Clarke, P
FNMT& 118& 081 Main45886 Intermediate AlgebraThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-10 Coskun, H
FNMT& 118& 011 Main44921 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-43 Grosbard, M
FNMT& 118& 021 Main44923 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-14 Leonards, L
FNMT& 118& 027 Main45420 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C3-14 Leonards, L
FNMT& 118& 030 Main44912 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-09 Muhunthan, R
FNMT& 118& 016 Main44006 Intermediate AlgebraThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-12 Oliai, G
FNMT& 118& 026 Main44011 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-23 Oliai, G
FNMT& 118& 060 Main44008 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN B2-23 Omosule, J
FNMT& 118& 002 Main44919 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 900-1100AM CBI C3-10 Rostami, G
FNMT& 118& 017 Main45450 Intermediate AlgebraThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-09 Rostami, G
FNMT& 118& 001 Main44911 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C2-14 Ruffo, D
FNMT& 118& 012 Main44918 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-14 Ruffo, D
FNMT& 118& 041 Main44004 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 300-500PM BONN B2-43 Shepard-El, K
FNMT& 118& 022 Main45418 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-20 Smith, Y
FNMT& 118& 013 Main45884 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-10 Smith, Y
FNMT& 118& 080 Main45248 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C2-14 Warrakah, K
FNMT& 118& 050 Main44005 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 300-500PM CBI C3-10 Woodlin, M
FNMT& 118& 102 Northeast44892 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 530-730PM NERC 305 Ayranci, B
FNMT& 118& 951 Northeast44792 Intermediate AlgebraThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 304 DeRosa, J
FNMT& 118& 110 Northeast46139 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 304 Jones, C
FNMT& 118& 103 Northeast45249 Intermediate AlgebraSat 12/14 1000-1200PM NERC 302 Reil, W
FNMT& 118& 100 Northeast44909 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 306 Yoo, S
FNMT& 118& 901 40460 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 530-730PM CBI C3-12 Clarke, P
FNMT& 118& 910 40475 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C2-14 Neumann, E
FNMT& 118& 913 40486 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 530-730PM BONN B2-08 Neumann, E
FNMT& 118& 906 40567 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 306 Philip, S
FNMT& 118& 912 40435 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN B2-30 Turay-Yankoon, N
FNMT& 118& 915 40511 Intermediate AlgebraTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN B2-30 Turay-Yankoon, N
FNMT& 118& 933 43451 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-18 Turay-Yankoon, N
FNMT& 118& 930 43816 Intermediate AlgebraMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C3-18 Turay-Yankoon, N
FNMT& 118& 911 40420 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN B2-43 Yoo, S
FNMT& 118& 916 40553 Intermediate AlgebraThu 12/12 530-730PM BONN B2-09 Yoo, S
FNMT& 118& 914 41490 Intermediate AlgebraWed 12/11 530-730PM BONN B2-43 Yoo, S
FNMT& 141& 002 Main45266 College Algebra I/AppThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C3-10 Turay-Yankoon, N
FNMT& 141& 001 Main45887 College Algebra I/AppWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN B2-43 Turay-Yankoon, N
FREN& 101& 004 Main40122 Elementary FrenchWed 12/11 1200-200PM MINT M3-22 Musumeci, M
FREN& 102& 001 Main46051 Elementary FrenchThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W3-05 Elwardany, H
FYE& 101& 004 Main42185 First Year ExperienceMon 12/09 530-730PM BONN B2-08 Helton-Holloman, A
FYE& 101& 005 Main42186 First Year ExperienceThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-23 Joyce, J
FYE& 101& 006 Main45033 First Year ExperienceWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN B2-23 McCourt, E
FYE& 101& 100 Northeast44803 First Year ExperienceWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 209 Schneider, J
FYE& 101& 002 43709 First Year ExperienceTue 12/10 300-500PM BONN B2-08 Joyce, J
FYE& 101& 003 44380 First Year ExperienceTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C3-10 Marcotte, M
FYE& 101& 001 45937 First Year ExperienceTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C3-20 McCourt, E
GEOG& 103& 003 Main41953 Intro to Human GeographyWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C2-08 Garrity-Benjamin, D
GS& 101& 007 Main44799 Introduction to Gender StudiesWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C2-06 Morgan, T
GS& 101& 008 Main44800 Introduction to Gender StudiesWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C2-06 Morgan, T
GS& 110& 009 Main45910 Global Persp in Gender StudiesThu 12/12 900-1100AM WINN S2-10 Murphey, K
HIST& 101& 003 Main45917 US Hist: Col. Am. to Rev. EraThu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT M3-12 DeMarco, M
HIST& 102& 001 Main40171 US Hist: Civil War & 19th CentWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C2-10 Morgan, T
HIST& 102& 002 Main41366 US Hist: Civil War & 19th CentThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C3-19 Murphey, K
HIST& 121& 001 Main41838 World History: Distant PastTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-22 DeMarco, M
HIST& 122& 100 Northeast42964 World History: The Recent PastWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 258 Molnar, N
HIST& 176& 002 Main43205 Phila. History Arch & PlanTue 12/10 300-500PM WEST W2-02 Grosbard, M
HIST& 221& 002 43733 Afr Am History Post 1865Tue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C3-12 Bedard, M
HIST& 221& 003 43734 Afr Am History Post 1865Tue 12/10 300-500PM WINN S2-11 Love, A
HIST& 221& 004 46083 Afr Am History Post 1865Tue 12/10 300-500PM WINN S2-10 Rippel, M
HUM& 101& 031 Main44555 Cult Trad: Ancient to 13th C.Wed 12/11 900-1100AM WINN S2-12C Catanese, E
HUM& 101& 032 Main44556 Cult Trad: Ancient to 13th C.Wed 12/11 900-1100AM WINN S2-12C Catanese, E
HUM& 101H& 001 Main46030 Cult Trad: Ancient - 13th HnrsTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-06 Kenyon, J
HUM& 102H& 950 Main45945 Cultural Traditions IITue 12/10 300-500PM MINT M3-12 Tannenbaum, J
INT& 105& 001 Main41715 Intro to Amer Deaf CommunityThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN BR-72 Carroll, J
INT& 252& 950 Main41857 ASL/English InterpretingIITue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-71 Morrison, B
INT& 255& 950 Main41858 TransliteratingThu 12/12 530-730PM BONN BR-71 Buck, A
JAPN& 101& 001 Main40097 Elementary JapaneseThu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT M3-07 Nagai, T
JUS& 101& 001 Main41606 Survey of Criminal JusticeWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W2-48 Canapary, E
JUS& 101& 004 Main44806 Survey of Criminal JusticeTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C2-08 Love, W
JUS& 101& 002 Main45380 Survey of Criminal JusticeThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W2-30 Love, W
JUS& 122& 001 Main44092 Race and JusticeTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C2-06 Rahman, M
JUS& 191& 001 Main45971 Victimology and TraumaTue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W2-32 Cruz-Ransom, J
JUS& 241& 001 Main45379 Criminal LawThu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT M3-16 Freeman, D
MATH& 121& 002 Main40599 Computer Mathematics and LogicMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-30 Wojcicka-Hitczenko, M
MATH& 150& 003 Main45625 Introductory Data AnalysisMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-50 Kitover, A
MATH& 150& 950 Northeast42878 Introductory Data AnalysisMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 246 Mairs, C
MATH& 161& 001 Main42012 Precalculus IMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-29 Gao, J
MATH& 161& 101 Northeast40680 Precalculus ITue 12/10 900-1100AM NERC 246 Mairs, C
MATH& 161& 102 Northeast45626 Precalculus IWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 306 Pesenson, I
MATH& 162& 008 Main42014 Precalculus IIWed 12/11 1200-200PM BONN BR-08 Jernigan, J
MATH& 162& 006 Main40695 Precalculus IIMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-11 Kitover, A
MATH& 162& 102 Northeast44472 Precalculus IITue 12/10 1200-200PM NERC 246 Mairs, C
MATH& 163& 003 Main43079 Discrete Mathematics IMon 12/09 900-1100AM WEST W2-32 Petrescu, D
MATH& 163& 004 Main43227 Discrete Mathematics IThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-43 Webber, B
MATH& 171& 003 Main45259 Calculus IThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-08 Huntsinger, R
MATH& 171& 007 Main42016 Calculus IMon 12/09 1200-200PM BONN BR-08 Jernigan, J
MATH& 171& 001 Main45975 Calculus IMon 12/09 900-1100AM MINT M3-19 Yoo, Y
MATH& 171& 950 Northeast46039 Calculus IMon 12/09 530-730PM NERC 246 Mairs, C
MATH& 172& 003 Main40771 Calculus IIWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-08 Jernigan, J
MATH& 251& 004 Main41491 Statistics for ScienceTue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN BR-43 Huntsinger, R
MATH& 251& 950 Northeast42465 Statistics for ScienceMon 12/09 1200-200PM NERC 246 Mairs, C
MKTG& 131& 001 Main43556 Principles of MarketingThu 12/12 1200-200PM WINN S2-10 Hill, P
MKTG& 131& 100 Northeast44844 Principles of MarketingWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 305 Shaffer, E
MNGT& 121& 001 Main45411 Introduction to BusinessWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W2-12 Carpino, J
MNGT& 121& 002 Main40298 Introduction to BusinessTue 12/10 300-500PM CBI C2-06 Hill, P
MNGT& 121& 003 Main40281 Introduction to BusinessMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN BR-22 Lebowitz, L
MNGT& 121& 101 Northeast46057 Introduction to BusinessWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 302 Jones, B
MNGT& 121& 100 Northeast44675 Introduction to BusinessWed 12/11 1200-200PM NERC 304 Lebowitz, L
MNGT& 141& 001 Main43560 Principles of ManagementThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C3-18 Bambach, M
MNGT& 262& 001 Main43561 Business LawMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C2-10 Aziz, M
MUS& 100& 001 Main44753 Music ReadingThu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT M2-32B Smith, H
MUS& 101& 001 Main41952 Piano IThu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT M2-11 Desmond, M
MUS& 101& 002 Main44410 Piano IMon 12/09 530-730PM MINT M2-11 Desmond, M
MUS& 102& 001 Main45387 Piano IIWed 12/11 530-730PM MINT M2-11 Desmond, M
MUS& 105& 950 Main46003 Music of Baroque& Classic ErasFri 12/13 1200-200PM MINT M2-32B Ross, R
MUS& 108& 001 Main46004 Guitar ITue 12/10 530-730PM MINT M2-09D Hanrahan, D
MUS& 115& 001 Main40438 Intro to Music TechnologyMon 12/09 1200-200PM MINT M2-14 Geissinger, P
MUS& 115& 004 Main43791 Intro to Music TechnologyWed 12/11 300-500PM MINT M2-14 Sauppe, J
MUS& 116& 001 Main42885 Theory ITue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M2-32B Ross, R
MUS& 118& 001 Main42889 Theory IIMon 12/09 900-1100AM MINT M2-32B Ross, R
MUS& 170& 001 Main46000 Audio for Interactive MediaThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M2-14 Sauppe, J
MUS& 215& 001 Main42151 Adv Music Tech and MultimediaFri 12/13 1200-200PM MINT M2-14 Sauppe, J
MUS& 220& 001 Main42154 ProTools and Ableton LiveTue 12/10 300-500PM MINT M2-14 Geissinger, P
NURS& 101& 001 Main40963 Nursing ITue 12/10 900-1100AM WINN S2-03 Mulligan, L
NURS& 101& 003 Main46102 Nursing ITue 12/10 900-1100AM WINN S2-03 Porter, A
NURS& 101& 002 Main40968 Nursing ITue 12/10 900-1100AM WINN S2-03 Slivjak, A
NUTR& 106& 950 Main43679 Nutrition for a Healthy LifeTue 12/10 300-500PM WEST W2-32 Lukacik, F
NUTR& 111& 950 Main44810 Introduction to NutritionThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W2-43 OBrien Duszak, R
PEH& 105& 001 Main44570 Principles of FitnessTue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W4-03 Renna, B
PH& 101& 001 Main44182 Introduction to Public HealthTue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W3-05 Carr, L
PH& 222& 950 Main44201 Health Care PolicyWed 12/11 530-730PM WEST W2-43 Dalianis, E
PHIL& 101& 001 Main41075 Introduction to PhilosophyMon 12/09 1200-200PM MINT M3-19 Spear, M
PHIL& 101& 002 Main45939 Introduction to PhilosophyMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN BR-50 Stradella, A
PHIL& 151& 001 Main42978 World ReligionsThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-72 Prejsnar, D
PHIL& 211& 002 Main45946 Ethical ProblemsTue 12/10 300-500PM MINT M3-16 Acosta-Morales, O
PHIL& 215& 950 Main45951 Social/Political PhilThu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT M3-06 Acosta-Morales, O
PHIL& 297H& 301 Main45355 Phil Ancient/Medieval HonorsThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-06 Acosta-Morales, O
PHOT& 101& 001 Main45390 Intro 35mm Camera/Darkroom TecThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B1-11 Soffa, D
PHOT& 113& 001 Main44761 Digital Tech, Art, and CultureFri 12/13 1200-200PM BONN BR-30 Spause, B
PHYS& 105& 001 Main40803 Survey of PhysicsWed 12/11 900-1100AM WEST W4-12 Allen, P
PHYS& 108& 001 Main42562 Descriptive AstronomyThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W4-51 Allen, P
PHYS& 125& 001 Main43619 Musical AcousticsTue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W3-03 Hall, F
PHYS& 140& 001 Main40969 Mechanics, Heat and SoundThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W4-03 Griggs, J
PHYS& 140& 005 Main45601 Mechanics, Heat and SoundThu 12/12 900-1100AM WEST W4-04 Kane, M
PLS& 101& 001 Main40607 Intro to Paralegal StudiesTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT L1-18 Lipscomb, D
PLS& 111& 001 Main46089 Legal Research and Writing IThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT L1-18 Hibbs, L
PLS& 111& 002 Main41069 Legal Research and Writing IWed 12/11 530-730PM MINT L1-18 Vullings, B
PLS& 115& 001 Main41421 Legal TechnologyTue 12/10 300-500PM MINT L1-18 Schneider, J
PLS& 211& 950 Main43600 Legal Research and Writing IIThu 12/12 900-1100AM MINT L1-18 Hibbs, L
PLS& 241& 950 Main43599 Tort LawTue 12/10 900-1100AM MINT L1-18 Hibbs, L
PLS& 285& 001 Main46006 Immigration LawTue 12/10 530-730PM MINT L1-18 Bernstein-Baker, J
POLS& 101& 001 Main44702 Intro Pol SciMon 12/09 1200-200PM WEST W2-42 Mullin, G
POLS& 111& 002 Main44704 American GovernmentWed 12/11 1200-200PM WINN S3-08 Mullin, G
PSYC& 101& 005 Main40177 Introduction to PsychologyTue 12/10 1200-200PM BONN BR-46 Asbury, K
PSYC& 101& 001 Main44716 Introduction to PsychologyThu 12/12 300-500PM BONN B1-08 Chavis, M
PSYC& 101& 012 Main44159 Introduction to PsychologyWed 12/11 1200-200PM WEST W4-01 DiRosa, F
PSYC& 101& 002 Main44717 Introduction to PsychologyWed 12/11 300-500PM BONN BR-22 Frei, R
PSYC& 101& 008 Main44156 Introduction to PsychologyTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C2-08 Lockridge, C
PSYC& 101& 015 Main44160 Introduction to PsychologyMon 12/09 300-500PM WEST W2-43 Miller, D
PSYC& 101& 003 Main41656 Introduction to PsychologyThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B1-07 Wahrman, M
PSYC& 101& 004 Main40206 Introduction to PsychologyWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-19 Zimney, M
PSYC& 101& 103 Northeast45905 Introduction to PsychologyWed 12/11 900-1100AM NERC 204 Asbury, K
PSYC& 101& 102 Northeast44158 Introduction to PsychologyThu 12/12 900-1100AM NERC 258 Bovasso, G
PSYC& 101& 100 Northeast44157 Introduction to PsychologyMon 12/09 900-1100AM NERC 205 Herbert, M
PSYC& 101& 105 Northeast45424 Introduction to PsychologyWed 12/11 530-730PM NERC 211 Herbert, M
PSYC& 110& 001 Main41324 Descriptive Methods in PsychMon 12/09 1200-200PM WEST W4-04 Frei, R
PSYC& 167& 001 Main44720 Found Stat Meth Soc/Beh SciThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN B2-29 Dupree, D
PSYC& 201& 001 Main44721 Child PsychologyMon 12/09 300-500PM WEST W2-42 Miller, D
PSYC& 202& 001 Main44722 Human SexualityThu 12/12 900-1100AM WINN S3-11 Bove, A
PSYC& 205& 002 Main46035 Psychopathology/Abnormal PsychTue 12/10 1200-200PM CBI C3-18 Cooper, C
PSYC& 205& 001 Main44163 Psychopathology/Abnormal PsychThu 12/12 1200-200PM CBI C2-06 Wexler, A
PSYC& 215& 001 Main44713 Developmental PsychologyThu 12/12 1200-200PM WEST W3-02 Braunschweig, H
PSYC& 215& 007 Main44166 Developmental PsychologyTue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN B2-05 Cooper, C
PSYC& 215& 002 Main44714 Developmental PsychologyMon 12/09 1200-200PM WEST W4-02 Zimney, M
PSYC& 215H& 950 Main45947 Developmental Psyc HonorsThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-12 Nix, I
RESP& 101& 001 Main44235 Respiratory Care TechniquesMon 12/09 900-1100AM WEST W2-47 Sloan, K
RESP& 210& 001 Main44664 Cardio Path ITue 12/10 900-1100AM WEST W2-47 Diduch, L
RS& 151& 001 Main42979 World ReligionsThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-72 Prejsnar, D
SOC& 101& 017 Main41462 Introduction to SociologyWed 12/11 1200-200PM CBI C2-06 Brown, J
SOC& 101& 001 Main44706 Introduction to SociologyMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C3-19 Brown, J
SOC& 101& 013 Main40189 Introduction to SociologyWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C3-29 Dunbar, L
SOC& 101& 025 Main41547 Introduction to SociologyTue 12/10 1200-200PM WEST W3-03 Goldrick-Rab, S
SOC& 101& 019 Main41556 Introduction to SociologyThu 12/12 900-1100AM WINN S2-12C Gusrang, J
SOC& 101& 003 Main44707 Introduction to SociologyTue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN BR-22 Gusrang, J
SOC& 101& 012 Main40274 Introduction to SociologyWed 12/11 530-730PM BONN B1-07 Montgomery, W
SOC& 101& 016 Main41573 Introduction to SociologyTue 12/10 530-730PM BONN BR-73 Montgomery, W
SOC& 101& 020 Main41784 Introduction to SociologyTue 12/10 300-500PM MINT M3-22 Mullin, G
SOC& 101& 004 Main45384 Introduction to SociologyThu 12/12 1200-200PM MINT M3-22 Mullin, G
SOC& 101& 002 Main41316 Introduction to SociologyFri 12/13 900-1100AM CBI C2-15 Roxas, L
SOC& 101& 006 Main40195 Introduction to SociologyMon 12/09 900-1100AM CBI C3-10 Shamwell, R
SOC& 101& 102 Northeast45433 Introduction to SociologyMon 12/09 530-730PM NERC 225 Davila, L
SOC& 101& 100 Northeast44710 Introduction to SociologyThu 12/12 1200-200PM NERC 228 Dunbar, L
SOC& 215& 001 Main40301 CriminologyWed 12/11 900-1100AM CBI C2-18 Vadino, N
SOC& 231& 001 Main44709 Social ProblemsTue 12/10 1200-200PM MINT M3-07 Ruggero, E
SPAN& 101& 004 Main40111 Elementary SpanishTue 12/10 530-730PM CBI C3-19 Acuna, V
SPAN& 101& 003 Main45343 Elementary SpanishTue 12/10 1200-200PM WINN S2-12C Cabrera, O
SPAN& 101& 005 Main45927 Elementary SpanishThu 12/12 1200-200PM BONN BR-30 Cabrera, O
SPAN& 101& 006 Main41367 Elementary SpanishFri 12/13 1200-200PM BONN B2-08 DiCapua, C
SPAN& 101& 011 Main42449 Elementary SpanishMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-30 Kellar, V
SPAN& 101& 001 Main44743 Elementary SpanishThu 12/12 900-1100AM CBI C2-08 Kellar, V
SPAN& 101& 007 Main40116 Elementary SpanishWed 12/11 900-1100AM BONN BR-73 Thompson, V
SPAN& 101& 012 Main40121 Elementary SpanishMon 12/09 1200-200PM CBI C2-06 Thompson, V
SPAN& 101& 002 Main44072 Elementary SpanishTue 12/10 900-1100AM BONN B1-07 Thompson, V
SPAN& 102& 001 Main45931 Elementary SpanishMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-73 Halpern, C
SPAN& 102& 002 Main45932 Elementary SpanishThu 12/12 900-1100AM BONN BR-50 Halpern, C
THM& 110& 002 Main44686 Intro Hosp IndustryThu 12/12 900-1100AM PAV P2-18 Rapley, M
THM& 112& 950 Main43279 Introduction to TourismMon 12/09 900-1100AM BONN BR-72 Rapley, M
THM& 266& 950 Main45301 Intro to Hosp LawMon 12/09 300-500PM BONN BR-72 Rapley, M
THM& 285& 001 Main43280 Dining Room ManagementWed 12/11 900-1100AM PAV P2-03 Rapley, M